September 14, 2024

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Taxes: FAQs Worth Knowing

Why is Tax Day April 17?

The regular tax return filing deadline is April 15. However, due to April 15 being on a Sunday and the Washington D.C. Emancipation Day holiday being observed on April 16 instead of April 15, 2018, Tax Day is on the following Tuesday.

When Can I File My Previous Year or Late Federal Tax Return?

There is no IRS deadline for overdue previous year tax returns, but in order to claim a tax refund for a certain year, you must file a tax return for that year within 3 years of the original due date. If you wait longer than 3 years, any tax refund is forfeit.

On the other hand, past due taxes do not disappear. If you owe taxes for a previous tax year, the IRS may charge you late filing and late payment penalties plus interest on taxes owed.

After April 17, 2018, you can still prepare and efile a 2017 tax return on until October 15, 2018 (after that date, the IRS will no longer accept 2017 returns electronically, and you will need to paper file your 2017 return).

If you owe taxes and you file or efile late without getting a tax extension, the IRS will generally charge penalties based on the amount you owe. There are also penalties for paying your taxes late, even if you got an extension. However, the late filing penalties are more severe, so you should try to file on time even if you owe taxes and can’t pay.

If you owe taxes and are already late, you should file a tax return immediately and explore your options to pay tax.

If you expect a tax refund and you file late, there is no real penalty other than the effective delay of your refund.

When Should I File My Amended Tax Return (Tax Amendment)?

If an amended return results in you owing tax, there is no deadline for the tax amendment. However, if you’re expecting a refund, you must file your return within 3 years of the original tax return deadline in order to claim your refund.

Tax Tip: Submit your 2017 Tax Return by April 17, 2018 to avoid penalties and interest!

How Do I Prepare and File My Federal Tax Return?

Preparing a federal tax return on is fast and easy. And if you have a simple return, it can even be free! If your return is more complicated, you still get our Lowest Price Guarantee and 5 Pricing Advantages.

Electronic filing is the safest way to file a tax return, and the fastest way to get your tax refund. And is the best way to get your biggest tax refund possible. Create a free account and get started on your tax return by clicking the button below, or compare online tax services first.

Seventy-two (72) hours after your tax return is accepted by the IRS, you can track your tax refund.

How Do I Prepare and File My State Tax Return?

On, you can prepare state tax returns when you prepare your federal tax return. You can then efile your state return(s) together with your federal return or separately.

Unlike other online tax services, allows you to prepare as many state returns as you need to for one low price.

If you already filed federal and you only need to file state returns, you can do that on, too. Get started by clicking the button below, or find out how to file only state returns.

After your state return is accepted by your state, you can track your state tax refund

How Should I File an Amended Tax Return?

You can prepare an amended tax return for the current tax year on The IRS does not accept amendments electronically, so you can print your completed amendment from your account and then mail it to the IRS. Learn more about preparing and filing a tax amendment.

Remember, if you amend a federal tax return, this might also affect your state tax return for that year. Please see the website of your state tax agency for information about how they handle tax amendments.

How Do I File a Previous Year Tax Return?

Electronic filing is no longer available for Tax Years 2016 and earlier. Download, complete, print out, sign, and mail the tax forms to the IRS for the appropriate Tax Year:

Tax Year 2016· Tax Year 2015· Tax Year 2014 ·Tax Year 2013

Tax Year 2012 · Tax Year 2011 · Tax Year 2010 ·Tax Year 2009

Tax Year 2008 · Tax Year 2007 · Tax Year 2006 · Tax Year 2005 · Tax Year 2004

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