September 11, 2024

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Welcome to the Nevada Patriot Caucus… a new direction for Nevada tea party activists!

As you can see, the Tax Day Tea Party Coalition is shifting gears and heading full sail into electoral activism. While we believe rallies have played an intricate role in the movement to date, we also believe the movement needs to now focus on defeating incumbents and changing leadership in Washington.

If you’re looking for your local Tax Day Tea Party rally for April 15th. You won’t find it here. We certainly support the April 15th events, just as we did last year, but we’re encouraging activists to consider volunteering for campaigns and candidates rather than spend money traveling to rallies and protests.

The Patriot Caucus, our nationwide project to develop “Get Out The Vote” efforts in every state, is where our focus will be through 2010.

What is the Patriot Caucus?

The Patriot Caucus is in place to develop statewide infrastructure, within the tea party movement, that can organize phone banks, coordinate door-to-door-canvassing, organize county coordination, events, candidate forums and more.

The Patriot Caucus, a project of Liberty First PAC and exist to defeat incumbents who support legislation such as government controlled healthcare, Cap & Trade, bailouts and extreme regulation.

We believe this can be done at the ballot box, and we believe the tea party movement has the influence and size to make it happen.

Does the Patriot Caucus work as a third party?

Absolutely not. In fact, we strongly oppose third party efforts. Our attitude is that the two party system has used us for several years now, and it’s our turn to use them.

Any effort to work outside the two party system, at least in the short term, would damage our chances of defeating incumbents, and we do not support this type of effort.

What races are you involved in here in my state?

In Nevada, we’re organizing to oppose Senator Harry Reid and Dina Titus in NV-3Can I contribute to the effort in my state?

Absolutely! In fact, as of April 1st, 2010, all funds raised via Nevada (Once operational costs are met) will be spent in Nevada. This is a part of our “Keep it Local” program that aims to put contributions back into districts they were raised in.

Check can be mailed to:
Liberty First PAC
4132 S. Rainbow Blvd #259
Las Vegas, NV 89118

Please Note: We are a Federal Political Action Committee and our financial records are 100% public via the FEC website.

Great! How can I join?

The Patriot Caucus is currently seeking volunteers to coordinate statewide, regionally, at the county level and at the precinct level. We’re also seeking help with phone banks, door-to-door campaigns, fundraising, event planning, volunteer coordinating, blogging, social media and member recruitment.

Supporting Local Businesses

Buffalo Bail Bonds service in Las Vegas, NV
The Garage Las Vegas