
Rally against “Government Motors” in Detroit


Fellow Patriots,

It would take most of us a while to think about one thing the government does well- with good reason. They don’t do many things well. But instead of fixing what they are already responsible for, the political elite decided to get into the car making business. The result? General Motors now has to spend $12,200 in tax dollars just to make a car!

General Motors has so far taken $52.9 BILLION taxpayer dollars since December of 2008. The intended purpose of this funding was “to prevent a significant disruption of the American automotive industry,” according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).

This unprecedented distribution of wealth has resulted in government owning 61% of GM equity.

The good folks of Michigan certainly need help. Jobs are in shortage, and paying the bills is becoming increasingly more difficult.

What Michigan needs is a responsible auto industry that can become profitable, self sustainable and efficient in ways that provide more private jobs and economic success.

To make matters worse, the Auto Show in Detroit this weekend will cost an estimated $10 MILLION to put on!!!

Please join us (if you live in the area) in Detroit on Monday, January 11th, to make a peaceful yet clear statement against Government takeover of America.

An official Facebook Event/Group has been set up here.

If you cannot make it, please help is spread the word through Twitter by using the “hashtag” #govmotors to tell your followers about the event.

For Liberty,
-Eric Odom

RESOURCES: National TaxPayers Union has a ton of information about this.

The federal government has distributed some $80 billion of taxpayer funds thus far to the U.S. auto industry since December 2008 – about $800 per American taxpaying family. The intended purpose of this funding was “to prevent a significant disruption of the American automotive industry,” according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).[1] Virtually all of the money has gone to just three firms – General Motors, Chrysler and GMAC – with GM alone receiving more than $50 billion. The bailout is by no means over; GMAC is in line for a further major transfusion.

Most of these federal funds have been channeled by the U. S. Treasury through the Automotive Industry Financing Program, a part of the larger Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The funding has involved both loans and equity investments. As a result, the federal government is now a major stockholder in each of the three firms

Read more here…

Several folks have also confirmed that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will both be in Detroit on Monday.

Note: The Taxpayer Rally in Detroit is a partnership event put on by United Taxpayers of Michigan, Common Sense in Government, American Liberty Alliance, National Taxpayers Union and several local tea party groups.

63 Responses to “Rally against “Government Motors” in Detroit”

  1. enough already says:

    I think the unions should be dismantled , there nothing more than corrupt and selfserving . If it weren’t for the unions and thier outrageuos lagacys gm would not be going bankrupt .auto makers need to make a competive car that americans want to buy at a price that is inviting . If GM didn’t see tyhis company they should have paid the price . With all these bailout for the banks , wallstreet and auto makers we truly have become a wel-fare state for greedy,corrupt institutions

  2. Victoria says:

    Scot Brown and Sarah Palin are down
    to earth, common sense individual
    who know that government takeover of
    our country is very wrong and will only lead to further lies, destruction, impending disaster.

    They both believe that Obama is spending us into debt with no results.

    It that what you want for America.

    He is a progressive (new party)
    individual who has taken over the
    democratic party and some republicans. Stop this movement now.
    The tea party can do it!!!!

  3. Dan Rockwell says:

    Government motors should have filed chapter 11, and unloaded its union overload, all Obama did is save his union buddies with our money..GM would have come out of this with much less baggage!

  4. Eric
    This off point but is there something going on concerning The National Convention and Tax Day Tea Party. Its curious that overnight you pulled your support. Whats up?

  5. Spiking says:

    Oh, and one other thought.

    We need 435 candidates for the House of Representatives. And we needed them like a year ago.

    Maybe Eric will set up a thread for House candidates only.

    I really don’t want to run for the House. But we really need 435 people. And if I’m the best candidate, I’ll accept the $174,000 salary. :)

    If I’m not the best candidate, of course I will provide support instead.

  6. Spiking says:

    Fed up says:
    January 11, 2010 at 8:52 pm
    Sarah Palin is a fool that is too lazy to study anything she talks about. Listening to here confirms that over and over. She is a quitter and is only motivated by the money and fame.
    Let’s give her a chance. It’s really not fair to pin the success of the Tea Party on one person. She doesn’t even speak for 25 days.

    It’s up to all of us. We all need to be talking about taxpayer approval of spending.

    I think we need to start talking about Afghanistan, too. War funding, or de-funding, will be something people want to know about.

    Are we at war with Pakistan? Are they trying to develop briefcase nuclear weapons? Are they trying to steal them? Do they have them already?

  7. Fed up says:

    Sarah Palin is a fool that is too lazy to study anything she talks about. Listening to here confirms that over and over. She is a quitter and is only motivated by the money and fame.

  8. Spiking says:

    Fed up says:
    January 11, 2010 at 1:12 pm
    No offense Spiking, but Palin is a typical politician that left Walisa several millions in debt.
    I would rather hear from someone not full of bs.
    I’m just here to help the American people get what they want. There are a number of different ways to do this.

    But the bottom line is you gotta control the money.

    Sarah Palin has the power to get taxpayer approval of spending to the people.

    I’m going to talk about it, and encourage others to talk about it.

    A lot of people have put a lot of time and effort into the Tea Party movement.

    The American people deserve to control the money.

    With a wall of funding and 435 candidates we can sweep the House.

  9. Fed up says:

    No offense Spiking, but Palin is a typical politician that left Walisa several millions in debt.
    I would rather hear from someone not full of bs.

  10. Fed up says:

    General Motors just announced they will be paying back the loans and Govt. may make money on the deal.

    Time to dwell on real issues, like how the dems are caving to interest groups and the pubs already sold their soles.

  11. Michael says:

    Sarah Palin is an idiot.

    Putting your trust in her to do anything is just like the liberals trusting Obama. She has no experience, and the only political track record is a few campaign speeches and quitting as the governor of Alaska.

    0% impressive. The real conservatives (implied ‘libertarians’ in the GOP) will not vote for her, and neither will anyone with any sense at all.

    Tea party needs less Palin, and more Paul, Ron Paul that is.

  12. Rick says:

    Look, as I see it GM employs thousands of blue collar workers and the idea is to get GM back on the road to sustainability… to continue employing thousands of blue collar workers and perhaps even hire some back once the company is back on track. Without government help initially, the collapse of GM would mean the collapse of a major AMERICAN car company. Some of you so-called patriots might say, “that’s just fine then.. let foreign car companies take over here in the U.S. and let Japanese or even Chinese investors profit from our need for wheels.” Do you really want foreign companies invading the U.S. to win? I say keep an eye on GM and make sure the government backs out when the time is right. But since GM primarily employs us common guys and gals, don’t protest a car show which may help GM get back on the road to recovery.

    So save that energy to lobby congress on upcoming banking legislation. The big banks essentially pay congress to roll over and let them continue playing with our money! Banks need rules. A lack of rules have allowed them to bring our country to it’s knees by turning Wall Street into Vegas with our homes in the balance. Instead of economically bankrupt Detroit, protest morally bankrupt Congress to send a message that we won’t standby why they sell out our country to WALL STREET LOBBIESTS!

  13. Spiking says:

    I apologize for all this posting, folks.

    But an unresolved issue is an unresolved issue.

    What would happen if Sarah Palin got up to speak at the Tea Party Convention?

    And said taxpayer approval of spending, taxpayer approval of spending, taxpayer approval of spending for 10 minutes straight?

    I really hope that it doesn’t come to that. But SOMEONE has to get this option to the American people. We’re paying by the second for inaction.

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