Democrats are clearly in panic mode over the special election in MA. An email that just dropped in from the Nevada Democrat Party suggests a heavily coordinated effort across the nation to back Coakley through GOTV efforts. Specifically… phone banks.
But even more interesting is the fact that the Nevada Democrat Party actually goes so far as to suggest that Brown is a “conservative in bed with Tea Party protesters.”
So it’s come to this? But I thought the movement wasn’t accomplishing much? I thought the movement was ineffective? This is what we hear from many “strategists” in the Democrat ranks these days.
A movement like ours can have a state party on the opposite side of the country shaking in their boots and setting up GOTV efforts for the MA special election. I’d say this speaks volumes as to the power we hold.
On Tuesday voters in Massachusetts will head to the polls to vote in the competitive race to fill the senate seat once held by the late Ted Kennedy. Martha Coakley, the Democratic candidate, needs Nevada’s help to ensure a Democratic victory.
Recent polls show her neck-in-neck with her Republican opponent, a conservative in bed with Tea Party protesters. Massachusetts hasn’t elected a Republican to the Senate since 1972, and we can’t let that happen on Tuesday.
Even more importantly, Martha Coakley represents the 60th vote for the health insurance reform America and Nevada so desperately needs. If Coakley is defeated, everything we’ve worked so hard to achieve would be jeopardized. We have worked too hard to let that happen. And so did Sen. Ted Kennedy, who made it his lifelong goal to see America’s broken health insurance system reformed.
Help us GET OUT THE VOTE in Massachusetts on Tuesday. The Nevada State Democratic Party will be holding phone banks every day until Election Day.
Please sign up for one of the following volunteer phone banks:
Friday, Jan. 15 - 10am-6pm
Saturday, Jan. 16 - 10am-6pm
Sunday, Jan. 17 - 12pm-6pm
Monday, Jan. 18 - 10am-6pm
If anyone is interested in “helping with the phone banks,” you can use the following contact information to “volunteer your help” if you catch my drift.
To schedule a volunteer shift in Las Vegas, please email Leora Olivas at or call 702-737-8683.
To schedule a volunteer shift in Reno, please email Olivia Gobert-Hicks at or 775-323-8683.
For Liberty,
-Eric Odom
Having just reread the Declaration of Independence which formalized the first American Revolution I was struck by the fact that the framers saw fit to “let Facts be submitted to the candid world.” These were examples of the Tyranny of King George. The tenth of these is “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.” Does this remind anyone of our struggle to remove the tyranny of today’s bloated government?
It is fitting that what is obviously the second American Revolution has begun in Massachusetts with the election of Scott Brown and with the aid of the Tea Party.
Thom S. says: Well sounds like Nevada Democrats should start paying a little more attention to Tea Party Protesters.
Truth is, Thom, all politicians in this country had better start paying attention to the tea party movement. The Tea Party [an honest to God multi-partisan citizen protest movement that is not going to go away]protests are directed at just Democrats, but Republicans and Independents, Liberals and Conservatives, fools and Damnfools as well. Not just national office holders either, but office holders at every political level down to the state, regional, county, city, special board, and special district levels. There is only one thing that I can honestly say that I feel has been a benefit to the United Staes from Obama’s election and that is the suddenly blazing fire that has been set to the Silent majorities’ collective hinnie at the grass roots level. May it burn hot and long and severely singe every out of touch politicians butt from dog catcher upward to the very Oval Office.
new on the block and want some idea of what’as happening. Most specifically, want to know who Spiking is that he seems to monopolize the comments section. Is he the so-called moderator? Is he a liberal, as the drift seems to imply? Is he a concervative, as little though some might suggest? Just where do acrosss the political spectrum do you stand, Spiking?
Well sounds like Nevada Democrats should start paying a little more attention to Tea Party Protesters.
The election has been called. Coakley has conceded. I believe it is important for us to keep the pressure on all of our elected officials. The message should not be just that we are not happy with the Dems but that we are not happy with ANY of them! What have the Republicans done to stop the trainwreck that is called Health Care? Nothing. What about Cap and Trade? Nothing. What about Card Check? Nothing. They all should be put on notice that WE THE PEOPLE are watching them and we will select our candidates based on conservative values and the U.S. Constitution. We will vote accordingly. The Mass. election is just be beginning.
Boehner: Well Nancy, what do you think about taxpayer approval of spending and instant runoff voting?
Pelosi’s face goes white.
Boehner: Anything wrong, Nancy?
Boehner: I’m sorry. What was that?
Boehner: Still can’t hear you. Gotta run. Got some work to do for the American people.
Let’s hope this is how it’s going down.
Polling estimate:
Taxpayer approval of spending/instant runoff voting 80%
Democrats 20%
Republicans 0
Just waiting on some more media attention and polling.
The house of cards is tumbling.
The latest from realclearpolitics:
American People: Start the debate on taxpayer approval of spending. Start the debate on instant runoff voting!
Congress soils themselves.
American People: We don’t care that you’re soiled. Why aren’t you acting!?!
Congress pukes.
American People: We don’t care about your upchuck. Why aren’t you acting!?!
Congress: We will no longer talk to the American people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
American People: Are you freakin’ serious!?!
Congress: ahubbadahubbadahubbada
American People: Action. Now.
Congress: I want my mommy!!!!!!!!!!!
American People: Action. Now.
Congress: Why me?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!?
American People: Action. Now.
Taxpayer approval of spending is easy as pie. Voters can choose to approve or disapprove all spending by Congress, for up to two years. They can change this default choice at any time, and they can override their selection for individual votes.
To qualify as a taxpayer, you need to have paid at least $200 in taxes last year. This could be payroll or federal income taxes. This number is not set in stone, and people will have different opinions about it.
Here’s a poll that shows who Americans trust:
Lookie, lookie! My new signature on realclearpolitics!!!!! Lots of smart Tea Partiers over there!!!!!!!
Taxpayer approval of spending is easy as pie. Voters can choose to approve or disapprove all spending by Congress, for up to two years. They can change this default choice at any time, and they can override their selection for individual votes.
To qualify as a taxpayer, you need to have paid at least $200 in taxes last year. This could be payroll or federal income taxes. This number is not set in stone, and people will have different opinions about it.
Here’s a poll that shows who Americans trust
Thom, I appreciate your comment. My objection is to people who aren’t getting involved. Victory is at hand.
But we don’t need Republicans grasping power and blocking instant runoff voting.
I am not a rebel, I support change thru our existing republic and constitution.
Your rude and abusive behavior only disrupts intelligent discussion. I actually talked about IRV on this blog under: “Tea Party Patriots release statement against third party”, so clearly you are not even reading posts you are commenting about.
With your abuse towards this group I can only assume your tactic is to disrupt and distract intelligent discussion.
Top Dog says:
January 16, 2010 at 9:38 am
I agree that a third party would be counter productive
Nonsense and poppycock.
Republicans are commies. They’re blocking Instant Run-off Voting.
These desperate weasels are grasping at any straw of power they can find.
Thom S. says:
January 17, 2010 at 12:52 am
It will soon become clear that the Tea Party Movement will have more influence over the Republican Party than the Rs will have over those who consider themselves part of the Tea Party Movement.
All the Tea Party Losers here are afraid to talk about something as safe as Instant Run-off Voting. “Tea Partiers” apparently don’t even believe in democracy. Buncha pinkos.
To all the FAKE, MORONIC “Tea Partiers” here:
I just posted here:
For a bunch of “rebels” you sure are weak about discussion.
Thom S. says:
January 17, 2010 at 12:52 am
But the minute Republican Bosses push non-conservative nominee’s in the primaries they will quickly find Tea Party Members are not going to follow so easily.
With all due respect, the “Tea Party” whatever that is, is pissing away time. Which means that they’re pissing away the Treasury and freedom.
You can have pissing contests with the Republicans.
Or you can call, loudly and clearly, from citizen to citizen, for taxpayer approval of spending.
I guess I was a a bit too cryptic in my comment:
“Is the G.O.P. wagging the Tea Party tail, or is the Tea Party doing the wagging?”
Point being that the Tea Party is pushing for the election of Brown, and he will likely win, because stopping the run away democrats is the most important thing to Tea Party members, not some kind of subservience to the R Party.
But the minute Republican Bosses push non-conservative nominee’s in the primaries they will quickly find Tea Party Members are not going to follow so easily.
It will soon become clear that the Tea Party Movement will have more influence over the Republican Party than the Rs will have over those who consider themselves part of the Tea Party Movement.
clay barham says:
January 16, 2010 at 11:07 am
They moved government away from the individual to a distant city and founded it as the center of organized crime, as if it were just an extension of Haiti. Then, they picked our pockets and destroyed our economy.
And moronic Americans still trust the criminals to provide “limited government” whatever that means.
Fools and their money are soon parted.
Pleeeese will a real conservative stand up and run against Lidsy Graham!!! Let me know I will donate.
Ayn Rand expressed views of people and how they function, both as herd members and individuals, showing a preference for individual freedom. America was founded on individual freedom, simply because there was no other choice at the time to follow the Old World herd model. Our Founding Fathers gave us a definition of what Americans created, then a system to keep it going. We had three constitutions to define the limits of the national system, as we kept our individual governance close, starting between the ears and in the heart up to the County level that was supposed to be no further than a days horseback ride. In the 21st century, our elected representatives took an Oath to keep what was established, yet turned on it immediately and trashed it in order to reintroduce the Old World system rejected almost 400 years ago, by force just over 200 years ago. They moved government away from the individual to a distant city and founded it as the center of organized crime, as if it were just an extension of Haiti. Then, they picked our pockets and destroyed our economy.
South Carolina, Lindsey Graham along with Chucky Schumer is bringing back the Amnesty Bill. We are fighting Health Care, now we have to fight Immigration. Graham is a RHINO from way back, he needs to be replaced with a Reagan Conservative, wake up SC and replace Lindsey Graham with a TRUE Conservative.
“The bill is still taking shape, but it is expected to include key features of unsuccessful 2006 and 2007 immigration proposals, including a path to legal status for many of the illegal immigrants already inside the U.S. and measures to strengthen border security. The proposal to allow illegal immigrants to achieve legal status has drawn opposition from those who see it as an unwarranted reward for breaking the law.”
I agree that a third party would be counter productive in removing the rats and weasels from office right now. If the Democrat party continues to self destruct by following the left liberal agenda, (It has been said “never interrupt an enemy when they are making a mistake”) maybe a third party would come to play. But right now we should continue to hold the Republicans feet to the fire, and insist they get back on track with conservative agendas. They have been derailed by the liberals. Keep the Tea Party movements going, we are making a difference. God Bless America!!
Politics starts local and spreads out. The TEA Party movement is not a fluke; it is how and what real people feel. with Mean and harsh politics and the smug answers by those who think they have the truth by claiming to understand the crudeness of politics just got voted out by an ex AARP member.
Wear the “Tea Party” moniker proudly.
Remember “Yankee Doodle” used to be a derogatory term.
Publius says:
January 15, 2010 at 6:02 pm
@Spiking, you’re an amateur. Get over your dumb little idea of taxpayer-approved spending
My dumb little idea? Have you forgotten this poll? Have you not grasped the essence of the Tea Party movement?
Now there may be a few who trust the general concept of “limited government.” But that’s a very defensive position to take.
I suggest that you start playing some offense. Otherwise you just may get run over.
@Spiking, you’re an amateur. Get over your dumb little idea of taxpayer-approved spending–it’s a nonstarter, and is inconsistent with who we are as a republic. It will never happen.
Taxpayer-approved spending happens when we vote people out of office, and vote people in who favor limited government. End of story.
@Eric, Thom’s statements are relevant, especially since you have no idea what the answer is.
January 15, 2010 at 3:47 pm
No offense to you who may feel like ‘members’ of such a third party, but get real about how to actually win elections,
We’ll see how things play out. Conservative values may be enough to win some votes.
But you’re not going to get real change without taxpayer approval of spending. And, quite likely, you’re not even going to get the House. See for objective odds. In fairness to the Tea Party, though, Hoffman and Brown both surprised the odds.
Better to have as big a tent as possible. This is politics, not personal preference.
Of course, you could easily argue that taxpayer approval of spending is a conservative value. Taxpayers value their money way more than Congress does.
The Republican party is useful for stopping Democrats. But remember, they aren’t lifting a finger for Instant Run-off Voting. They are old guard, status quo, same old, same old.
Almost forgot - I used to live in Nevada when Harry was first elected. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but we’ve all learned a lot about him and the gang warfare that used to be politics since then. Those who know him from the neighborhood don’t even like admitting they know him anymore.
Anyway, you can see how desperate despots and their minions get when they realize their ’subjects’ are waking up and talking mutiny. Luv ya, Coriann.
Bwahhhhh!!!! hahahahah!!!! You gotta be kidding me! Brown in bed with teaparty patriots…..and I guess when Obama was in bed with Acorn, SEIU,, etc…they were just telling bed time stories?!?!?!! I’ll be laughing all the way to the voting booth. Even if Brown loses, just look at the kaos we “tea partiers” have caused the democrapic machine!!! And now Obama in the midst of a catastrophe has campaign for Coakley! how pathetic can you get!?
I guess they think that’s some kind of slur, but I think it’s a compliment. In a war, you’re better defined by your emenies than your friends, anyway. Cool.
The whole hijacking of the term ‘Tea Party’ as though it were a ‘party’ rather than a strong conservative philosophy commonly held by right thinkers is sort of goofy, even for those who actually want to create a bonafide third political party, which to me (and most others I’m aware of) is counterproductive at best.
No offense to you who may feel like ‘members’ of such a third party, but get real about how to actually win elections, and let the libtards keep thinking you’re a splinter (splitter) group, while rebuilding the GOP for some actual wins. The whole 3rd party idea is like firing all your ammo for target practice, and then being out of ordnance when the real battle starts. Luv ya. Coriann.
I love the smell of Coakley in the morning…it smells like victory.
@Thom… who knows? Or who cares for that matter?
Coakley needs to lose. That’s a fact.
Is the G.O.P. wagging the Tea Party tail, or is the Tea Party doing the wagging?
James Fitzpatrick says:
January 14, 2010 at 9:14 pm
If there were no tea party do you think Sen Dodd & Dorgan would be retiring. I think its only growing.
Dangerous, dangerous are the times.
A peaceful transition of government must be secured.
President Obama needs to call for a truce. An immediate freeze on new spending until the new Massachusetts Senator is seated.
The American people cannot afford for Congress and the Senate to treat the country like a game.
I also call on President Obama to obtain taxpayer approval for any future spending. You do not need to follow the path of Congress, Mr. President. Please take this country seriously.
they are running scared now and we must keep the heat on them
If there were no tea party do you think Sen Dodd & Dorgan would be retiring. I think its only growing.