
Katie Couric and the Tea Party Movement


Tea party activists/organizers Michael Johns and Kellen Guida recently sat down with Katie Couric for a discussion about the tea party movement. It’s a fascinating conversation and one well worth sharing with friends within the movement.

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You can follow this link for the full post about the interview.

8 Responses to “Katie Couric and the Tea Party Movement”

  1. Moreso, no tea partier I know would share a room with Couric.

    The media has shafted us over the decades and we have no duty to pretend that we must sit down with personalities we care not to - Couric is one we should avoid.

    It’s complimentary to them, including to a lot of the public, when we agree to an interview.

  2. Harry from Houston says:

    Liberals come to this website to scream and disrespect the concept. They who scream loudest surely live with the most fear. Liberalism is on life support and conservatism and constitutionalism is on the rise though common sense dialogue and ideology.

  3. [...]   (usnews.com) Local “pink slip parties” planned for Saturday   (theday.com) Katie Couric and the Tea Party Movement   (taxdayteaparty.com) Palin: Obama State of the Union ‘Lecturing’ vs. [...]

  4. Spiking says:

    To all Democrats who voted for a Democratic Senator:

    Contact them today and tell them only small increases on the debt are acceptable.

    Tell them you want a full public hearing on taxpayer approval of spending.

  5. Spiking says:

    Will Republicans move to humiliate Voinovich?

    “Republican Sen. George Voinovich (Ohio), who is retiring at the end of this Congress, provided the 60th vote necessary to move the measure forward over GOP opposition.” http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/78371-democrats-to-raise-debt-limit-to-record-143-trillion

    Republicans sneakily allow Voinovich to be the decisive vote against our future. Republicans sneakily make no effort to seat Brown.

    If you think Republicans are your friend, you are a fool.

  6. Spiking says:

    Lovenguth says:
    January 27, 2010 at 9:08 pm
    This is the start of a long process
    Ths is the Internet Age. You slam them today with taxpayer approval of spending. You slam them tomorrow with taxpayer approval of spending. And you slam them the next day.

    Maybe then Katie will start asking questions that actually matter. Like asking lawmakers and candidates what their position on taxpayer approval of spending is.

  7. Lovenguth says:

    When a TEA candidate is elected, they will at best begin the return to the that the House of Representatives is out of control. A return to the system of checks and balances as described in the constitution is needed.

    Most office holders appear to vote as told by their financiers. Many American citizens are sending this message, and it will take many years for the TEA elected or appointed officials to have legislative agenda control. To expect anything more at this point in time is unrealistic.

    This is the start of a long process in which American citizens will have representatives who are not owned by business concerns.

    Jorge Lovenguth - Florida 2010 U.S. Senator Candidate TEA

  8. Spiking says:

    With all due respect, the Tea Party movement is failing.

    Still no push to get taxpayer approval of spending into place.

    These fellas can do a little interview with Katie. Who cares? The debt goes up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up. And up some more.

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