
Middle Tennessee Liberty Rally… a Grassroots Story


On Fox Business two weeks ago I was asked why the tea party effort had faded. My response was that it is now stronger than ever. The difference now is that tea party gatherings are not happening simultaneously like they did on April 15th.

Because of this, they aren’t getting the media exposure they got back on April 15th. But this in no way means the effort has faded.

Take the Middle Tennessee Liberty Rally, for example. I received an invite to speak at the event next week, and since the acceptance I’ve had countless emails from excited activists who are working tirelessly to plan and promote the event.

This particular rally was not planned by any national organization. It wasn’t funded by any political party or corporation, and it doesn’t have huge national media reporting on its every move.

Yet, if the current excitement and online activity surrounding the event can be used as a metric for anticipated turnout, I think it will be a huge success.

This is a copy of the official announcement that went to a huge Tennessee list over the weekend.

Tennessee Tea Party
Middle Tennessee Liberty Rally
Monday June 29th, 12 Noon
Legislative Plaza, Downtown Nashville

What: Nashville’s Next Tea Party, the Middle Tennessee Liberty Rally. Click TNTeaParty.org for the event website.

When: Monday, June 29th, 12noon-2pm (website)

Where: Legislative Plaza, Downtown Nashville across from the Capital, Click HERE for a Google Map

Speakers: Phil Valentine, Steve Gill, Ralph Bristol, Drew Johnson, Ken Marerro, Eric Odom, Bernadette Ash (mom, volunteer, citizen), and Ben Cunningham.

Action Items
Please tell your friends and neighbors and church members about this Tea Party event and make arrangements to join us. Your presence is absolutely necessary to turn back the tide of big government and higher taxes. A public show of support for Limited Government and Personal Liberty is needed now more than ever, PLEASE join us and listen to inspiring speakers and help us stop the slide towards ever bigger government.

We will Sign Petitions opposing Government Healthcare and Cap and Trade. These petitions will then be delivered to our Congressmen and Senators.

Many organizations will have informational booths on site so you can plug into the movement!

We are offering 4 locations of “Park and Ride” for the event. Cost is $8.50 per person and seating is limited.
NOTE: Minimum of 30 people needed for bus availability
Maximum capacity 55 people per tour bus

For more info email: info@tnteaparty.org

This is exactly what we originally wanted to see happen when we started TaxDayTeaParty.com. It was always our intention to watch independent, self-organized efforts at the local level, take power of their own little piece of the free-market movement.

Yes, things can be a little confusing post April 15th. We know a lot of groups popped up and are trying to build organizations based on the tea party brand, which I suppose can be a good thing. It’s a big brand and a lot of activists are familiar with it, so in some areas it makes sense to do this.

But on the other hand a lot of people ended up in a head spin when looking for what to do next. Let me suggest this, if I may…

Take control of your own little part of the movement. Step up to the plate in a leadership role and develop an independent coalition of taxpayers in your area. Network with other local activists and begin planning rallies like the Middle Tennessee Liberty Rally.

True grassroots movements do not succeed when the model is top heavy. Which means that if we want this movement to succeed over the next year and a half (as we go into the biggest political battle of our lives), we’re all going to have to take the reins on our own accord.

The leadership for this movement MUST come from the bottom. Every day folks must decide what they will do, how they will be active, and what their priorities will be.

Sure, there needs to be a mechanism that allows for mass collaboration and online networking, as well as an online marketing machine that can move tons of eyes at any given time, and we’re working on building that. But just because it isn’t ready doesn’t mean you don’t need to be doing something.

We here at TaxDayTeaParty.com are going to begin identifying true grassroots efforts that happen independently at the local level, and we’re going to start making examples of them. We’re going to start telling their stories and discussing ways that all of us can and should be duplicating successful grassroots efforts.

The Tax Day Tea Parties may be another 10 months away, but TaxDayTeaParty.com is gearing up to become a major movement information portal.

Stay tuned… things are going to move and fast.

-Eric Odom
TaxDayTeaParty.com & American Liberty Alliance

Have a success story of how YOU worked as an independent activist to do something at the local level? Send your story to Amy Hagerstrom via amy@americanlibertyalliance.com

One Response to “Middle Tennessee Liberty Rally… a Grassroots Story”

  1. [...] Tea Party info Thought this might be the best place to drop this information: Middle Tennessee Liberty Rally… a Grassroots Story : Tax Day Tea Party We’re going NATIONAL [...]

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