District of Columbia
by Eric Odom
The following is a list of CONFIRMED Tea Party Tax Revolts planned within Washington D.C. Please note that we ONLY list events happening on April 15th.
City: Washington DC
When: April 15th
Where: US Treasury Department - National Stage 12:00pm-2:00pm; Lafayette Park - Grassroots Stage 11:00am-3:00pm
Facebook Group:
More about Kathleen Stewart Here
Can we burn our 1040 forms at the event?
thank you for the ability to join so many like-minded americans-it's nice to know that we're not alone!!! I hope the march 15th d.c. event is only the beginning, as i feel that we truly need to follow thru legally/consti-tutionally in many ways with these traitors. i believe sovereignty resolutions are a good start, along with an american class action suit of sorts against congress, senate, bank-ers, including obama/biden and cabinet. the charge should be for treason against america. they should be first impeached/thrown out of office for their crimes and formally charged in some way, and the "stimulus" theft halted.
perhaps someone can educate me on just how to proceed in these areas…..
the powers that be have been planning this socialism/nationalism for so very long, and those of us who have sounded the warning bells have been called "nut jobs." it's nice to finally see that so many that have been lulled to sleep are finally awakening from their slumber. i just pray that it's not too late…the powers that be have already count-ed on us protesting and have planned accord- ingly. therefore, we need millions-not thou-sands to rally-and then follow through tire-lessly, relentlessly for it to have the out-come we desperately must have!!!!!
count my family and friends in on march 15 as well as july 4 and september 12th - if we're not all too exhausted from standing in bread lines by then. even then, the fight for free- dome must continue….there is absolutely no other choice….give me liberty or give me death….i'm sure the powers that be would be more than happy to follow thru on that part of their plan!! that's ok…it's worth dying for!!!! may GOD BLESS us all in our fight against EVIL!!! without HIS BLESSING, WE HAVE NO HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will be coming up with a few others and hoping to have plenty of tea to go around. we have enough pork around maybe we need to have a bar-b-que.
I can give you a great local example of government spending gone wild. Arlington County just approved an Affordable Housing Project, the Views of Clarendon, where they have committed over $47 million of Federal, State and Arlington guaranteed Affordable Housing funds to get a total of 70 Affordable Housing units. That is over $666,000 per unit, and over 2/3 of those are one bedroom or smaller. In my humble opinion, that is a squandering of available Affordable Housing funds. And to add insult to injury, the primary beneficiary is the Clarendon Baptist Church
Keep up the fight ladies and gentlemen! The tea party in Cincy had over 5k people there. I might not be able to attend this one because I have two cousins coming home from Iraq either april 14th or 15th, but I will try my best to be there. I will still do all I can to spread the word!
My husband and I are going to make an afternoon of it and we are inviting friends. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Any chance for a Tea Party on July 4th, 2009?
If we continue sending the same people to Washington, we will get the same results. While politicians enrich themselves and their friends at our expense we are left with pocket change.
If you are ready for Real change, please visit my website WilliamLee2014.ORG.
This will become a national election, and I need everyone's help.
Why Lafayette Park on April 15, why not right in front of the White House?
July 4th tea parties at: https://www.reteaparty.com
I beleive Lafayette Park is right across from the White House.
We need everyone to join the mail campaign. Send postcards to BO, Pelosi, Reid and your individual state's senators and congressmen telling them we are not going to put up with the pork and bailouts any more. That we want our freedoms back. A 29cent postcard bought at the USPO can speak volumes if we send enough of them. We are planning to mail them on April 1 so they will have them before the April 15 parties.
Lafayette park is right across from the White House I was there last month for the first party.
I will be there with my other middle aged housewife friends. And I am not going to PAY on this day! They call me greedy and a coward. I will be at Lafayette Park.
I hope there is a 1040 bonfire. How much worse can a fed treatment center be than losing your job, your home, and all HOPE? Answer than HUSSEIN, WITHOUT a teleprompter!
<<<<<homeless and jobless………freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose. count me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
question about the April 15 Tea party - are we hoping to block traffic with our cars or just meet at Lafayette Park? I hope to be there either way.
I have emailed this website to my entire address book consisting of individuals across the country. If everyone would do the same we can cover most of the responsible people in this country! Who needs the MSM??? DO IT NOW!!!
Any size restrictions on signs? Are they allowed to be on a stick?
It's a shame this couldn't be on the mall. I do like the date though, but it wouldn't surprise me if the press is already talking amongst themselves about limiting its coverage if not mentioning it entirely. See you there!
Greetings! I live in Toledo, OH and will be taking the week off work to join you all at Lafayette Park. I really hope we get a massive turn out.
we are coming in from virginia! lafayette park is not that large, so lets hope we can over fill it!Taking metro in and out. Are signs allowed?
April 15th in Washington DC. If enough of us go then it will have to be reported. All Americans unite and protest.
Looking at how the MSM has willfully ignored these protests so far, i.e. the large protest in Cincy, it it might make more sense to hold them directly in front of media outlets.
I will be there with as many people as i can fit in my large suv. United We Stand.
I will be heading the the Dallas Tes Party on April 1st. We have to stand up to this. I was never very politicaly active but our future depends on us standing up! If there is a July 4th Tea Party in Washington DC, I will be there and everyone in this country that can, should be there!
“I am John Galt” shirts, signs, and stickers up and ready at for all who want some for the next Tea Party.
Phoenix Lady, I'm not very familiar with how tags work on YouTube but I'd like to do a blog post on Fresh Tea Daily with your ideas about what tags to use. When you say "plus your state and city" are you saying that if for example, the video is about a Missouri Tea Party, I would use the tag "Tea Party Missouri", or are you saying I should use "Tea Party" as one tag, "Tax Day" as another and "Missouri" and "St. Louis" as other tags?
Tags on YouTube, hmm. It's been a while since I uploaded anything (New Year's Day, actually), but I believe all the words separated by spaces are considered tags. They may have changed it of course. The point is, the more tags the better. That way, if someone is looking for Tea Party video in St. Louis, Missouri, they would put in something like "Tea Party St. Louis, Missouri" and get your video. If they just put in "Tax Day Tea Party," they would get a list of all the videos posted and could then narrow it down by state.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for organizing this. It's a shame when we just want to be left alone, to have to "protest". But this crew has gone WAY to far and need to be reminded that as far as we are concerned it is still Govt by the people. I will be there and bringing as many as I can. Let's make a statement…..
Now what to bring for a sign, hummm…..
"If you voted for Change, that's all you're gonna have left"
I still have time to consider more. What's your sign gonna say?
And please, keep phoning, e-mailing and faxing your representatives to invite them to the tea parties being held in their honor…
Thank you for taking the time to organize this protest. My brother and I have been grumbling about our dislike of the way things are going, and are finally going to act on it and show how we really feel! I'll be sure to tell all our friends about this (even if most of them are libs)…who knows, maybe they'll have a change of heart =)
Shouldn't we make sure Obama will be there?
I want to go but I want to make sure he's going to be there before making arrangements. Is there a way to find out for sure?
I'm coming all the way from a small town in Oregon. I'll make sure to bring my nose clamp to stave off all the rotten pork! THE TIME HAS COME!!!!!! BE THERE!!!
Hi everyone! I am the coodinator of the Washington DC Tea Party being held at Lafayette Park across from the White House. Yesterdays meeting with the Parks people went great, it looks like we might have a stage and sound system, and we are starting to get commitments from speakers. To get the latest news on what we have, what we need, and what you can do to help, please drop me a note at and visit the facebook website. thank you all!
These tea parties are a great thing. I will be there. This is the 1st one I have found out about in advance. Do we bring our own signs? With the Dems in control of everything, America can see just how much they are screwing up with hugh deficits, pork spending, political paybacks, corrupt politicians who only pay taxes when they are caught with no jail time. Laws are for the rest of us, not Party leaders. And, since Iraq is Bush's war, no credit is given to our troops for winning this war.
There are shirts available. You can get them smart girls politcs.com For the conservatives out there, this is a group that is dedicated to conservatives values. It is a start up grassroots organization. The hope is to help get conservative women into office. So go get a tshirt and take a look around at the sight.
I am not coming a long way. Just Virginia. But I will be there. I hope we have a really large crowd.
What is being done to advertise so people know this is happening? Are we expecting a big crowd.
My family and myself will stand right along your side. We as Americans must stand side by side to protect our precious freedom. I too pray that it is not too late. I am just hoping that God will listen to our prayers.
Unfortunately - he is rarely there….
Spread the news to everyone you know - if you're on Facebook, you can create an even and invite all your friends, or share the official facebook page with people.
I plan to be there from NY. I hope this will be our Million Americans March and the beginning of the end of the insane and illegal doings of this congress and president. We must stop this steam roller and if we are united, we can.
It's as close as you can get.
We went to the Taxpayer Teaparty in DC in Feb., it was awesome!! We drove from Ohio and it was last minute!! I would do it again!! It would be great to see people in the hundreds of thousands!! It is on a Weds, i would love for us to march to Capitol Hill and fill the halls and offices of our Congress and Senate!! The local teaparties are cool too, but we really have to take it to their front door!! See you there!!
The Klamath Basin Tea Party is April 15th at noon at Veterans Park. Just getting started so more details will be out soon! To be born free is an accident, to live free is a challenge, to die free is a responsibility!
[...] Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming | Washington D.C.
Suggestion–I see the Virginia Tea party people complaining about there not being a tea party in Northern Virginia. We need to invite Northern Virginians to the DC event.
I would like to point out that the area to the north of the White house is called Lafayette Square. I think Lafayette Park is over near Chevy Chase. Figured those who may not be familiar with DC might Mapquest this and end up in the wrong place.
Fix the boat! And that boat is the DEBT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!
The government should be bailing out the American people by paying down proportionate shares of our debts. WE will then be indirectly bailing out the same companies that the government is directly bailing out right now by paying down our debts. They would still be getting their money. But they would be getting it the fair, just and honest way. The way that is a win-win for everyone. We would have less debt and they would still get paid. But if we continue to do it the government's way, and bail them out, while leaving us out, WE are losing it all. WE have nothing to gain.
The American Bailout, The Plan for Americans Made by Americans, can work. If we all join hands to show our support and sign the petition to being The American Bailout Plan to our government, WE can help to open the door to OUR nations NEW future.
If you would like to read more about The American Bailout Plan (The Plan for Americans Made by Americans). Our Support Is Greatly Appreciated
I will be there and I will be square.
lafayette park is directly across the street for the whitehouse
just goggle the whitehouse and you whon't have a problemfinding the crowd
After I considered all of the issues related to coming in from Virginia (traffic, parking, carrying signs on the subway, etc.) I got a room at the Hay Adams! Joining this movement is important enough for me to do it up RIGHT!
I was going to attend the Chicago tea party on April 15. I am taking a last minute spring break trip to Washington DC with my daughter and was disappointed that i would miss the Chicago tea party. I almost canceled the trip only to remember that there are many demonstrations on april 15. So no need to miss. Just attend a different location.
I plan on attending, very excited about this energy and civilized movement to make ourselves heard / seen. Has anyone considered wearing red? Some what of a unifying vision, so that the public might be reminded of us after the event, when they see a red dress, red jacket…Just a thought.
It is time to stop the government from continuing to give out the additional 7 trillion that it has allocated to give out to the agencies noted and to give that money to American families to absolve our debts. Which means it essential is given directly to the creditors on our behalf. We are not given that money to us as cash per say to use for other things.
By doing so, WE are paying off our debt, which is the reason why they are failing in the first place. Americans cannot afford to pay them due to the job loss and economic crisis that we are in. So they are getting help from the government from OUR money to try to stand. What good does that due if we ourselves cannot continue to bulster the economy by STILL having the same debt that they are being bailed out of and WE do not have the means to grow ourselves?
In a sense, they are trying to "double dip" us. They are getting the debt paid off from the government that we cannot afford to pay, however OUR debt still remains to them and we have to pay for that our of our own paychecks as well. They are getting paid TWICE for the same debt. The write off from our debt and our actual debt that still remains. If the same money that is already allocated was used to pay them, and OUR debt to them was then erased, we could then utilize the money that is still being paid to them from our pockets to begin to build back our lives, which in return, would also build onto theirs again.
It is a plan that has been mentioned on Glenn Beck long after The American Bailout was put together by Americans. If he thought of it as well and has questioned as to why no one has done it, then apparently, it must be something that people believe can work. Hopefully, the support from the American people will be bold enough to bring it into congress so that they too can ask themselves…why haven't we done this……maybe it's time we should.
WE Can Take Back OUR America!
Please Show Your Support…Please Sign The Petition
Thank you, JoAnn for your efforts and I hope you have a successful day.
Your brothers and sisters here in Boston, site of the original Tea Party, will be with you all the way! Let's do it right and let ‘em know we won't put up with this any more!!!
Everyone mail a teabag to the White House, your senators and your congressperson and attend a Tea Party
just mail the tag and the string, they will not accept it with a tea bag attached due to possible "hazardous materials"
YES! There is a tea party and march scheduled for July 4th in Washington D.C. at the Capitol Building. The permits have been acquired and it's growing larger every day. Check out the details and get involved at marchforliberty.org. We are partnered with the group called America's Tea Party (reteaparty.com) planning events all across the country with the crowning event being on the doorstep of our non-representing representatives at the Capitol Building. Please join us.
See you in D.C.!
Patrick Beck
Coming in from Kansas! See you all there!!
Obama's "spend and tax" policies are outrageous. The fact that so many in our Congress are letting him get away with it, or believe that we want some form of Socialism is pathetic. The people we elected to represent us don't have a clue apparently….and are willing to just go along for the ride on the back of the taxpayers. Bigger government means higher taxes and lower GDP.
Why hasn't anyone considered making a real tea party out of this event and actually planned on dumping tea into the reflecting pool at the Washington Monument? Forget the implications of trespassing or vandalism. If any one else is as mad as I am they should be willing to take that risk. The symbolism of the act alone would outweigh the consequences. Assembling in the park does make a statement, but a true march on Washington would garner greater interest by the public and our government.
I live in Atlanta but I will be there July 4th. I want 10 million on July 4th, Around the Capitol and White House.Then they will understand that we surroung them.
I'm in northern VA, but I vow to attend every DC tea party! I will dump tea into the water.. they can't arrest us all… I only wish there was a boat with highly taxed items on it nearby
I think we should all bring a book of matches too.
I'm thinking about driving in.. the more cars stuck in traffic clogging up the city,
the less the media can ignore it.
I am glad that Americans are standing up against this dangerous goverment. I am coming from Frederick, Md with some friends and would like to organize a group to maybe charter a bus with from Frederick! Email me (Liveone107@hotmail.com) if interested and if we get enough response I will organize this bus trip.
We should all wear red to show how angry we are and seperate us from the fireworks crowd?
I hope we are going to follow the example of the Orlando tea party. The organizers said, “We chose not to have politicians speak at our event because it was our opinion that politicians have unlimited forums to make their platform known, this is a day for them to listen and for the people to be heard.” I strongly feel this is an important point….no politicians, please!
Can you update here for those of us who don't want to go on facebook?
I love my country and cannot believe the mess that has been created by our so called government FOR the people. The citizens of this great country should hold another election and elect a ture champion of freedom who will carry out the WILL of the people. You betcha I'll be there…
I will be there with bells on.
I think that we need to organized on several fronts though. Signs should confront the following issues: education, energy (Oil and Gas Exploration), Spending in the name of government takeover of what should be states rights issues aka "The New Obama Doctrine", The overreaching of the branches of government to takeover the capital markets and companies, the objection of we the American People an the attempt to centralize government for the benefit of those in power in the houses of Congress, Not the American People, Judicial Activism, Etc…
Is there a manager or organizer of this event? Or are we all going to gather in a place before we show up at the Park. If you have a plan lets get it out to everybody who wants to attend
If any one knows where to get a "Give me Liberty, or give me death" or "Don't Tread on Me" flag post it. I want to bring both to the rally. We have to be recognized on national television if we want to be to start a national debate on this. And that probably means civil disobdience and getting arrested.
There also needs to be no fear of being arrested either. I don't want to be, I have a family, and I work. But there are some things in this world that are more important to us as a whole, than ourselves as indivduals. I truely believe that this is one fight that MUST be fought with no regard for ourselves. If we lose this fight, our children will be raised in a America that we will no longer ever recognize. I love my children and grandchildren and this country too much to let some backdoor threat to our way of life allowed to be given any credence. Remember, all fires start out as small flames before they consume all around them.
This type of nationalist agenda movement has happened before around the world. There was Lenin, and Hitler, and Mousellini recently to name a few. They didn't start out as evil dictators. They started out as men who took a nation that was beaten and or economically damaged. Where the people had suffered through some great national problems. They blamed those who were con-sidered unreachable to the masses of common folk for those problems. They angered the masses and blamed them for their problems and were then brought into power because of that anger. Sounds familiar doesn't it (Go to Wikipedia and search Saul Alinski. Look up his book "The Rules for Radicals" Read the books preface and the strategy for the radical paragraphs, it is Obama and his method of attack and diversion, real scary stuff). Then they morphed into the fiends that we read about in our history classes as kids. We are not close to that place yet, but the road is being laid out for a nationalist to take the reins of power in this country and lead us to an unmentionable place like it.
In closing I just want to say that I am a common guy, no political asperations, no want of fame, or power. Just a plain american who wants to live my life for my family, try to live close to god, and live in a country that is respected for what we believe in and how we live our lives.
My husband (out of work due to the great budget finesse of the current adminstration) and infant daughter will be there! This will be her second political event and first protest, so let's make it a good one to learn from. Please continue to post some "reminders" - as in: yes/no to homemade signs, any tips of colors to wear, special themes we'd like to emphasize.
Let's show how strong America can be!
Here are some ideas for banners and signs;
The Audacity of Unfair Taxation
Taxes: Nightmare of my Fathers
Impeach Now or Pay Later
Taxes High, We Want Them Low
BHO Has Got To Go
Geithner the Tax Chief (draw a line through “Chief” and scrawl next to it CHEAT)
Comments to make to the press:
“A recession has been used by these opportunists to enslave future generations to the government. We will jump to collectivism and socialism in one generation”
“Why didn’t they just give every taxpayer a check for something around $15,000 (or; “their equal share of all those trillions”)? Then, whether it was saved and helped the liquidity of the banks, or spent, those trillions in the hands of those who make up the economy, we the people, would have seen the recession entering history by now.”
“BHO is passionately fulfilling the hallucinogen addled visions of mid-twentieth century radical secular progressives. This is not what the country voted for, though we should have seen it coming vis a vis his past associations.”
“How does trashing the economy, with suffocating debt, for the foreseeable future help us cure economic woes?”
We have the opportunity to participate in more than one! We could hit Lafayette Park by 10 am, the Annapolis Dock between 12-2pm and fly to Atlanta for Mr. Hannity's appearance at the Georgia State House Tea party.
As a civil servant - we all swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution - it is my DUTY to protest against this administration's policies!
the only thing that would stop me from going is if my taxes were significantly lowered. Buuuuuut with Obama in the WH i doubt thats gonna happen
I'll be there…KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!
Here is the perfect D.C Tea Party. Turn the Reflecting pool between the monument and Lincoln Memorial into a 7 million gallon jug of tea. I would take about 700,000 boxes of the cheap 100 count boxes of generic tea bags to give it a good consistancy. about the most they could do is ticket everyone for littering.
I say we March to the Treasury Dept at 1500 Penn. Ave — take this right to the Head Tax Cheat, Geithner, and call for his resignation. What a joke — we pay thru the nose, while these bureaucrats get promoted.
I hate to go into downtown D.C. from my home in Alexandria, but for THIS, I will.
I understand and agree that we should not allow our elected officials (federal, state, and local) have a platform at these events, but I do feel it is important to invite them to attend. This is a perfect opportunity for them to hear from "the board of directors" we the American people. So I urge each of you to extend an invitation to each of your elected officials to attend this tea party and hear from their boss. Remember that the federal budget debate will be in high gear during this event and we can have an impact. We just need to remind our elected officials who exactly the work for. I can't wait for this event.
[...] Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming | Washington D.C. [...]
I don’t have children. Frankly today I would cry for the future my generation is handing to the next if I did. We, including myself, have sat idly by while more and more freedom has been legislated away from us, more and more taxes have been levied upon us and future generations. I’m grateful that one night I will not have to read to my children the story “The Size Challenged Locomotive Steam Powered Vehicle that Accomplished What the Government Told Him/Her it Could and NOTHING More”. The legacy we are leaving is that of a society where your children and grand-children will not have the luxury of ambition, they will only have what is rationed to them. I imagine parenting as giving hope to the future, by instilling in my child that you can accomplish anything if you try and work hard enough, that the only limitations set on you are those set by yourself. The path we are following will leave a legacy of ‘Do only what’s necessary because everyone gets the same thing.’ I know this sounds overly dramatic, but when the President can look into Private business and tell the CEO to resign, what is to stop him from firing you or me with far less fanfare?
We are in a fight, not for any one amendment to the Constitution, but for the entire Constitution! If we fail to exercise our first right afforded to us in the Bill of Rights, how can we then be surprised when it is taken away. Our founding fathers knew the legacy that they wanted to leave was one of lasting freedom; freedom from tyranny and oppression. Our elected officials are walking all over that legacy left to us, left to us to maintain, to watch over, protect and pass on to the next generation to do the same. That is our living legacy, one of individual freedom and expression.
The current administration and congressional leaders believe that they are acting within the guidelines of the Constitution, but only the guidelines they want to follow. If you pick and choose today the validity of any article of our founding documents, and allow it to happen what good are any of the articles tomorrow? If none of the articles are to be held up then we have all gone to ballot box and elected RULERS to govern us and not Representatives.
Please take a moment to read and absorb the following;
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
We give them their power. That’s right WE GIVE THEM THEIR POWER, and they are abusing it. And now it is time for us to exercise our right to “Peaceably assemble, and petition the Government for a redress of grievances”. And finally I leave you with one final quote, from someone who was not an American citizen, but knew and understood the importance of Liberty;
“These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.”
~ Thomas Paine, The Crisis
NoVA ites.
Thomas Jefferson said in a 1789 letter….
"Whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, the
people, if well informed, may be relied on to set them to rights."
I live in Reston, and yeah, I think the traffic will stink, and it may make no difference, and I will be inconvienienced. But they will not tear down the consitution , and destroy the freedoms that have made this country great because their internal polling numbers that most will do nothing.
I have no more right to complain if I dont have the desire to contibute.
I plan on being at the DC one, then the Merrifield Post office and following up at the Reston 6-8 PM Tea Party.
I hear the excuses folks, and I have to say thought of them myself. I have 2 kids, have a job thats hard to leave, but I am figuring it out. I first thought "well DC is going to be crowded and difficult, I dont want to go there" Thats exactly why you do want to go there. I have suffered an hour or 2 of traffic for a Redskin game, yet won't suffer the same for my countries future.?
The Cameras, if there are any, will be close to DC, if it is sizable, it becomes acceptable as newsworthy with the MSM, and then that gives creedence to the local stations and networks to pick it up and go cover their own local ones later in the day.
Hope to see all of you there, whoever you voted for, this is not a party issue , but an American one, get the word out, you will be surprised at the response.
It was also mentioned by the crew, "we need to come up with something that will distinguish us as part of the 912 project". The solution?… yes, you've got it…
more ribbon! Yellow this time with "The 9-12 Project.com/Rhode Island" and "meetup.com/The 9-12 Project/Rhode Island" these can be warm as headbands, armbands, streamers from your belt so people can just take them. Everyone can bring a bag full. (Make it a big bag, don't be cheap, this is important).
We can also use this idea with our signatures on the rolls and stretch them out through the crowds at the "Tea Party" and have everyone sign. (This will have a visual impact and draw attention to the cause).
The Blue Finger,
the Iraqis may help us get our freedom back.
The blue dye they displayed on their finger after voting in a free election had a lot of visual impact.
They were so proud to show this to the cameras knowing full well that they may be harassed, tortured or killed for displaying such a blatant sign of freedom.
This is something we could do quite easily and on a regular basis to show our support for the freedoms this country was based upon.
All we need is a blue ink pad, these could be carried to rallies the tea party and meetings. It could also be used as a great conversation starter if you have the passion to wear it at the grocery store.
A magic marker, a pair of scissors and a role of red ribbon can be our primary tools here. We can write the words “Tax Day Tea Party” “4/15/09″ “Every State House in America”on them. (This way everyone who sees them will understand that this is a great nationwide movement). “Hand these to everyone you walk by (don’t worry it won’t hurt)”. “Deliver piles of them to every place you stop, a hairdresser, the doctors office, service station, department store etc.”. “Tie them to trees”. “Make it so!”
It was also mentioned by the crew, “we need to come up with something that will distinguish us as part of the 912 project”. The solution?… yes, you’ve got it…
more ribbon! Yellow this time with “The 9-12 Project.com/Rhode Island” and “meetup.com/The 9-12 Project/Rhode Island” these can be warm as headbands, armbands, streamers from your belt so people can just take them. Everyone can bring a bag full. (Make it a big bag, don’t be cheap, this is important).
We can also use this idea with our signatures on the rolls and stretch them out through the crowds at the “Tea Party” and have everyone sign. (This will have a visual impact and draw attention to the cause).
Please note, the tea party in D.C. is at Lafayette Square. The Square is almost directly between the WH and Treasury.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Time: 11:00am - 3:00pm
Location: US Treasury - National Stage
Street: 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
City/Town: Washington, DC
Email: washingtondcteaparty@gmail.com
Hi folks! Sorry I haven't been over here as much as I have been on the face book page- I will rectify that and make certain I stop in twice a day for the next 2 weeks to keep you up to date on whats happening at the Tea Party.
Right now we have Lafayette Square (Yeah I want to call it a park too, since it IS a park, but lets not get folks lost up in Chevy Chase) from 10 am to 4 pm. At 11 we have the opening events will include speakers and an open mic for anyone who signs up on the list I will have there, or emails me at washingtondcteaparty@gmail.com. Up to a five minute time limit please! The mic and stage will be open until around 230 when we need to pack up the stage before rush hour as per DC Metro Police regulations
From 12-2 we also get the chance to listen to nationally known speakers across the street at the Treasury Building.
I am currently looking for volunteers for the following areas-
A group to form a color guard to present the flag for the Pledge at the opening at 11.
Marshals to help keep things secure- easy job, keep your eyes open for potential problems, get a hat! I need another 20 folks or so.
Clean up volunteers. I suspect this will be a pretty neat group by nature, but I need folks to run a police call across the park at the end of things, just in case. I want to keep on the Parks department s good side in case I ever need to ask them for another favor again.
Another rnusical group or singer to entertain between folks speaking would be nice too- please keep it to patriotic songs or those in keeping with the theme of the day.
Take care all- looking forward to seeing you on the 15th- this is going to be so BIG!!!
Just so happens I'll be in DC from Milwaukee on 4/15. I'll be sure to swing by Lafayette Square
The DC Team is:
Chandler Ramelli
Grassroots Organizer
JoAnn Abbott
Grassroots Organizer
Andrew Langer
President, Institute for Liberty
J.P. Freire
Managing Editor, American Spectator
Teri Christoph
Executive Director, Smart Girl Politics
Rebecca Wales
Smart Girl Politics
We are all working VERY hard to make this a powerful event where you all will have your voice heard and can hear powerful speakers, learn what NEXT STEPS to take to make your voice heard even louder.
I am so looking forward to this. I will be bringing my Husband and a neighbor. I have been telling everyone I come in contact with to come and participate. I hope it will be huge and they will get the message that we are "Mad as hell, and we are not going to take it anymore". Peace and love to all.
[...] Do stop by the Treasury Building on the 15th. You can amuse yourself by counting all the signs complaining about socialism. [...]
[...] Do stop by the Treasury Building on the 15th. You can amuse yourself by counting all the signs complaining about [...]
If it is Lafayette Square, then you chould change it at the beginning of this blog. People might not read the comments.
I will bring our colors with me, and be prepared to help you with the Color Guard.
I am part of the 82nd Airborne Division Association, Sgt. Christopher M. Pusateri All Airborne Chapter. I will not bring our Chapter Colors but I can bring the Official 82nd, 101st, POW/MIA flags along with our National Colors. As with any organization, we have folks on both sides of the aisle and I don't wish to cause any problems so I'll leave the Chapter Colors home. We will have our maroon berets on also
Dave, pls drop me an email at washingtond.c.teaparty@gmail.com about the Color guard, and thanks so much for offering!
As to the page info- we are working on getting the site manager to correct it, but because of the burgeoning number of sites going up they are really swamped trying to keep track of everything. Right now there are over 400 tea parties scheduled across the USA! That is a lot of web pages to maintain- please bear with us, and help by telling everyone the latest info.
LET FREEDOM RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obama and his whole crew are anti-americans, what he said to the Europeans proves it. I am done with them. There is power in a mass of people. We need to remove these people from power before it is to late. DOWN WITH BARACK!!!!!! DOWN WITH THE FASCIST/SOCIALIST ELITE!!!!!!!!! We need to take back Washington for ourselves and tell the European Union to go to hell. Stop the spending and stop the money from flowing. I'm fired up, TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any chance of us marching down Pennsylvania or Constitution Avenue?
Or are we going to be a stagnant group in the Square….
Memorial For America - Light A Candle For America
On Memorial Day, May 25th, 2009; the world will remember and mourn the loss of the many veterans that have gone to war to support our country, The United States of America.
We will pray for these fearless men and women who gave so selflessly of themselves to protect, honor and serve OUR country. They fought for the land that we call America. They fought for the right to live in our free world. They fought so that WE would not have to fight. Sadly, the world that they fought so very hard for is slowly diminishing before our eyes.
WE, as Americans, CANNOT continue to allow this to happen to OUR country, to OUR economy, and to OUR future.
So on this Memorial Day (May 25, 2009) thousands of Americans will also be mourning the rapid decline of the great country that we all once knew.
The "Memorial For America" will display both our sorrow and our faith for our country.
Lets do a good job and clean up after ourselves on the 15th. On several occasions, I've seen the trash and signs littered on the ground by the flea-infested anti-war protestors. Lets be better than them and clean up.
I was wondering if anyone had gotten in touch with Chris Plante from WMAL 630, but I just heard his show has been cancelled.
Would you like to head the Lafayette Square clean up crew to do a police call across the park after we are done? I am looking for volunteers for it, and someone to be crew chief. Pls contact me if you can take charge of this for me-
Ive been to two tea parties so far and ive been seeing these Obama "Not My President" shirts that everyone has been wearing. I found them online and just thought I'd pass along the info on where to get them. The website is https://WWW.OBAMAHYPESHIRT.COM
Red is the accepted color of socialism everywhere.
The media decided on red-blue (wonder why? to distract your attention from the socialist rallies we have been seeing?) and the sheeple "representing us" in Washington let them force it onto political events.
The heck with that.
Wear ONLY BLUE!! Have only BLUE signs!!
Over time either the media will have to get past the colors to deal with the issues - or eventually the colors will shift to what they ought to be.
If you cannot stomach blue then at least wear red, white AND blue.
Hi Joann,
Looking forward to the teaparty!
Julia and JAY
What about that coffee-flavored tea https://tinyurl.com/coffeeT and I wonder, are there double benefits there? I know I won't be trying it, though, not at this tea party.
I'll be more than happy to clean up after this event in the Square. Let me know if I need to bring trash bags. Thank you for getting this started.
Here's an extensive list of slogans for Tea Party signs. Also, included is a video that details how to make your own low-cost protest signs.
101 Tea Party Sign Slogans
Let's take our nation back…
What a bunch of f*cking pathetic, whining, sore loser, Doom and Gloomers…
The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling… Obama’s the Anti-Christ… The Communists/Socialists are Taking Over, One World Order… One World Order.. Squawk, squawk, squawk…
Don’t worry, we’ll be be laughing continuously at your moronic, vitriolic diatribes of idiocy well into the 21st Century.
Moonbat–talking to yourself again? Poor poor ignorant soul.
Moonbat-talking to yourself again? poor poor ignorant soul.
Does anyone know if Michelle Malkin will attend? I see her name mentioned below under Tea Party Media, would be great to have her as a speaker. I live in NOVA and will attend, can't wait.
Obama wants to control more than the banks. FIrst the car manufacturers, second the banks, third the United States, and fourth, well the World better look out for this BIG HEAD!
HOW DOES HE PLAN TO DO THIS? By creating the largest financial mess this country has ever had. One too large to ever bail out. Therefore, making it possible for the government to step in and control our jobs, money, income, ect. Sound familiar?………………….SOCIALISM!
The American people better open their eyes to the "CHANGE" ODUMBA has planned for the GREAT Nation we live in!
April 15th…..its on my calendar, time to wake them up!
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.” (Psalm 33:12a)
“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Psalm 9:17
“At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it; If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.” Jeremiah 18:7-10
God’s rule over governments is not limited to Israel. These passages teach that God blesses nations who serve Him as Lord, and judges nations that forget Him and do not serve Him. In the second Psalm, God visits judgments upon those nations whose leaders defy God’s rule. The books of the prophets warn of severe judgments for sin upon many nations besides Israel. In Deuteronomy 4:5-6, God tells Israel that surrounding Gentile nations will see the wisdom of their law. Israel’s law was to be a light to the Gentile nations, to call them from sin to God, from judgment to blessing.
“Which God?” the secularists rebut, as if casting aspersions upon the true God by bringing idols up to his level will abate our obligation to obey Him. There is only one God, and the Holy Bible is His revelation to mankind. It is to Him we owe supreme allegiance, both as individuals and as a nation.
“But we have a separation of church and state” the attorneys rebut. The separation of powers of the church and state is a Christian doctrine, for the truth is found in Scripture, in the relationship between the Jewish religion and the leaders of their state. However, it should never be a separation of God and state, for this is sin and rebellion to God. The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Congress, not Ohio. As a matter of fact, the states who signed the Constitution had tax-subsidized Christian denominations, and this was not a violation of the First Amendment as our founders intended it. Even the leaders of the federal government publicly prayed to the God of the Bible and spent taxpayer dollars for the printing and distribution of Bibles in public schools. This was not a violation of the First Amendment as our forefathers intended it. Even our Supreme Court, in 1892, citing a plethora of historical evidence, said, “This is a Christian nation.” This judicial decree did not defy the First Amendment as our forefathers intended it. The First Amendment was intended to prevent a tax-subsidized Christian denomination, such as England’s Anglican church. The First Amendment was not intended to prevent the free exercise of religion for the states and the people, as it is so often abused today, but rather, was designed to protect the free exercise of their religion.
The Holy Bible, God’s Word to man, speaks to all matters of life; not just pertaining to personal salvation, but also to economic health, family life, the right to self defense, the right to liberty and property, criminal justice, the role and limitation of civil authorities, the relationship between the church and the state, and when armed revolution against established civil authority is justified. Where God speaks, we would be wise to listen and obey, for disobedience to God’s Word in a single matter is rebellion to God and brings judgment. He is a jealous God who will not share His glory with another. When we despise His Word in deference to autonomous leaders who seek to kick God out of His throne and put themselves there in His stead, we have already received “the mark of the beast”, for the mark is a man’s name and a sign that you worship the image of a man over God (Revelation 13-16).
When put in light of the Scripture and the lordship of Christ, we see that the whole world is a theocracy, for God rules over all and His Word is not bound. It is also easy to see that our government has become a godless government at war with God. The United States must repent, and serve the Creator instead of rebel against Him. We must obey His Word. We must not defer to sinful men who seek to pass laws that defy God’s law, who refuse to be “ministers of God” and “a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil” as God’s Word instructs civil authorities (Romans 13:3-4). It is not those who take the mark who survive the wrath of God, it is those who resist idols to serve the one true God and His Son Jesus Christ.
America, choose you this day whom you will serve.
Patrick Johnston
Signs are fine downtown but you can NOT bring one attached to a stick or piece of wood on the Metro. Bring your signs on the metro rolled up if you can.
I'm coming from California and hope to be front row.
I will be there Give Me Liberty or Give me Death. May god be with us on the 15th
Thank you. A nation with out god is no nation, we have no fear of man but the wrath of almighty God
Larry in Va
See you there Brother
There has been much talk of pitch forks. Even the dork Teleprompter-in-Chief has used the pitch fork threat. ManOman… this CRT leader is a tool. Can he be any more incompetant? Anyway - I say bring pitch forks. Rakes, hoes, any garden implement that convey righteous indignation is good. If anyone owns a D-9 Cat - bring that and we can push over the IRS building after the fun ends at the rally… then on to Congress.
It's time that these Bozos became frightened. They act the way they have since the election because they no longer fear. Guranteed Incumbancy can do that. It's time for us to instill fear and disrupt their all too comfy lifestyles - in the most peaceful manner possible - of course :)~
I want a T SHirt with a Giant Telelprompter head Prez - where can I get one?
Please- no Pitchforks! I think we are going to have more people than we expect showing up. Make my life easier, and the lives of the volunteer marshalls easier - no sharp items!
Large posters with pictures of a pitchfork now- that is cool.
Co-organizer, DC Tea Party
Anyone going to the Tea Party from Culpeper, VA that would to travel to DC together, please email us at rayzeldog@gmail.com.
Don't come if you're an idiot. The park is right in front of the White House.
Coming from Ohio, sans pitchforks, maybe carrying brooms though in hopes of a clean sweep of all the liars and wasteful spenders from the halls of Congress!
None of you think this is just sad irony that you're all perpetraing? The Boston Tea Party was a great event in our nation's history and you all are happy to tarnish its memory. I salute your the fire, the love of freedom, that obviously burns in you all, but maybe you should take a step back and realize that you're being proded and coerced by a media faction that only cares about turning a profit, regardless of its true effects on our democracy. This event offends me because it completely ignores the true patriots for whom this act was very much life-and-death. Instead, I have to watch you all tear up a bunch of tea bags made in China and yell about socialism.
Location is confusing (to me). I know where Lafayette Park is but what is the US Treasury Dept National Stage? Are there two events at the same time?
"US Treasury Department - National Stage 12:00pm-2:00pm; Lafayette Park - Grassroots Stage 11:00am-3:00pm"
I thought the broom was for Pelosi.
Seriously, I will be there. I must say, I am almost 60 and this is my first "demonstration".
Any one carpooling from Levittown,Pa Area?
ive been wanting to release some angry/tension/aggrevation/stress/ since Feb.
this is the place ive been waiting/hoping for!!!
Any one carpooling from Levittown,Pa ?
Let's have a strong showing. Let's be loud but let's be civil. Let's show there is a limit to how far a taxpayer can be shoved.
The Tea party is a great idea but how about returning this country to God at the same time, after all that is where it went wrong. Let the Government know how you feel and your desire to put this county back on track while you can. 2 Chronicles 7: 14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Please…
Lafayette Square is directly north of the White House, The Treasury Building is directly east of it, so they are across the street/corner from each other ( a google map search will show you how close thy are.) By having both areas we willbe able to accomodate a larger crowd more easily- and on the purely practical side we will have access to the public lavatories in the park and lots of benches to rest on if needed!
I will come to D.C. for the Tea Party.
Zero is wrong.
Free Republic.com
[...] you haven't picked one yet, pick one. I'll be at the DC affair. Erick is helping set up Macon's. Take a couple of hours off, find a gathering that's [...]
[...] you haven't picked one yet, pick one. I'll be at the DC affair. Erick is helping set up Macon's. [We're not the only front-pagers here doing these, and I'll [...]
Well, I for one, will cancel my work obligations and will bring my family. I refuse to be one of the American "sheep" who remain uninformed and uninvolved. I have derived so much benefit as a person from living in this great country — it is now time for me to give back. My husband has served in Iraq, only to come back to a government that seems hell bent on destroying our Constitution and the freedoms he risked his life for. I am DISGUSTED at this administration, but moreso with the so-called Americans who would vote in such a traitorous government in the first place. My presence will be as much against these individuals as it will be against the government. I pray this movement continues to grow strength until such time as we have removed all of these traitors from office, in whatever way is necessary, and returned to our original form of government once and for all.
From Alexandria, its less than fifteen minutes via metro.
None of you think this is just sad irony that you’re all perpetraing? The Boston Tea Party was a great event in our nation’s history and you all are happy to tarnish its memory. I salute your the fire, the love of freedom, that obviously burns in you all, but maybe you should take a step back and realize that you’re being proded and coerced by a media faction that only cares about turning a profit, regardless of its true effects on our democracy. This event offends me because it completely ignores the true patriots for whom this act was very much life-and-death. Instead, I have to watch you all tear up a bunch of tea bags made in China and yell about socialism.
By Curious on Apr 7, 2009
You don't have to watch, its your "RIGHT". What a great country this is — with so much FREEDOM.
Many will stand together … across our great nation … with one voice. We’ve had enough!
YouTube - SC Tax Day Tea Parties
101 Tea Party Sign Slogans
Let’s take our country back.
Coming in from NOVA for this event. Looking forward to finally speaking up against this mess that the new administration is creating.
Side-Note… PLEASE ignore "Peace" who posted above. He/She is obviously a troller who is looking to start a stir and distract us from our course.
Is there any way to get real-time attendance reporting from all the tea parties? If that could be available at the DC party it would be a powerful message to the media and the politicians!
Our family will be vacationing in DC that week and will definitely make a point to be there on the 15th. Power to the People!!
Dear "Curious"~You should be more well-read about your history, friend. Those who took part in the Original Tea Party were not famous, great, or even remembered (most of them) by name. They were simply as we all are now–frustrated citizens (vs "workers" as the Obama Administration likes to call us) who were fed up with taxes being placed by a distant Government on the fruits of their labors–and on the very things that they held dear, such as Tea. In 2009, Obama's and the tax-and-spenders (on both sides of the aisle, by the way) are stealing our treasure, and that of our children, and now grandchildren. We are furstrated, angry, and this has to stop. We are standing in the very boots of those who protested in Boston. As for your assertion that we are somehow "tools" of the media? That is laughable. This is a grass-roots movement that has received almost NO coverage from the national media (FOX NEWS recently excepted). When I consider the "passes" that Obama/Biden/Pelosi et all get from the media regarding their outrageous assumptions, assertions, and outright lies, the very thought that the media would somehow be "egging on" a protest of their Darling One is preposterous. If you don't like our movement, if you don't like America, please leave. Stop annoying yourself.
The original Boston Tea Parties were about refusal to accept the strong-arm tactics of an out-of-control legislature bent on forcing insane tax-and-spend proposals onto hard-working people (with whom they have little in common) and in the process killing off any form of economic advancement. Oh, and a government headed by an incompetent twit. How, exactly, are things different today?
Katie is absolutely correct. There are those who don't want us to succeed, instead preferring the never ending handouts from the federal govt of our taxes. They will stop at nothing to derail this grass roots movement, trolling to subvert and split the thoughts of people. I must say though, this is the first time I've seen that the real people who own this country are finally standing up to the elitists in Congress. This is ONLY a start, and we must all remember that. The Tax Day Tea Party is only the beginning, and the struggle will take time for us to ensure our children and grandchildren are saved from "financial child abuse" at the hands of Congress. I would ask everyone who reads this to make a promise to continue our efforts until our great country returns to its origin - that of a country governed by laws, that allow each and everyone of us to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, without government intervention.
I just created a website for sharing Tea Party sign ideas.
If you think that this is useful, add your favorite slogans and please spread the word!
This march/protest is one the few tools that WE THE PEOPLE have to show congress/this administration what we expect…this is how we show our strength/power as intended. We must do this over and over until they "get it", please, please come and demand what we want from our elected officials…They work for us not we for them!!! This is our country, this is our chance!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
This is awesome! I hope a lot of people come. I live in NoVA and haven't heard anything about this protest. I hear advertising for Card Check, Pass BO's Budget, etc. but nothing about this tea party. I work down the street and will definitely attend! Power to the producers! Down with the takers!
Nice idea, we should all celebrate our independence with a national party, this one with a real meaning. We're taxed enough already!!!
I live in RI, but I will be going to Washington for the Tea Party. I've had enough with paying for people who don't want to work or do anything for themselves. I have work all my live and (NO ONE) gave me nothingt. My dad always told my (TEN) bother and sisters if you can't feed don't breed and we live by that.At my age I feel I must to something now. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.
The original teaparty was a coordinated effort to let the "governing party" realize that additional taxation was not going to be tolerated, especially on the tea being imported on British ships………….I think we'll make our point and honor the the sacrifice the original SONS OF LIBERTY.
I am there….think Dodd, Frank, Murtha, Reid and Polosi will be there? They do not have the American courage to represent us….Benedict Arnold's. Poster people for term limits! God help us with losers like them leading our country! Founding Fathers rolling in their graves.
Kathy, Mike and Rob- A class-action lawsuit! That has crossed my mind as well. I think the lawsuits need to start with the banks being forced to take TARP money even though they didn't need it. Someone is going to have to get the ball rolling standing up to the Feds and confronting them for extortion. Maybe we could keep them so busy with lawsuits that they won't have time to spend our money. I don't know anything about the law, but wouldn't it be sweet:
We the People vs the Federal Govt for spending abuses.
PS-I would be more than happy to help clean up after the DC event.
[...] are "Tea Party" protests planned for tax day (Wednesday). These are also anti-bailout events, but aimed more broadly at the amount of money [...]
Dear Ms. Abbott, Thanks for all the work you are doing for the Tea Party in DC wish I could be their however I will be in Boston. Thought this morning it would be great on the 4th of July for all who believe in this country to form a line on the stepts of the Capitol, one mike and read, starting with the DOI, the Constit. the Bill of rights etc. Everyone has a voice. I was in DC 4th 1976. Everyone will be on the mall for the festivties. We may not have a audience. We will have a voice. I will be glad to help. Please send me your thoughts. Marilyn
O.K. let me try again. On or about the 4th of July those interested will be asked to line the stepts of the capitol to read a part of the Declaration of Independence , the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, etc. I will be happy to help . Everyone has voice. Thanks and Happy Easter
My sign wil say. Congress, change is coming 2010 you are fired.
I will be there - it is time for the silent majority to be heard and participate
Couldn't agree more. Too bad i don't eat pork.
How outraged should we be? And if you're not outraged, wake up. They take our money, loan it banks to keep them solvent, and the congress and treasury didn't even write down a mechanism for the banks to give/pay it back? Is that because they never thought they'd need to get it back or they didn't want it back? The answer is yes, if you're going in position is we're going to nationalize the banks anyway.
Even if that wasn't what they had in mind, what idiot gives someone a loan without an agreement of terms for the loan to be paid back. That is the definition of a loan. Not to mention they loaned our money, not their money. The congress needs to be reminded that actions have consequence and their continued mismangement of the money we entrust to them has to have consequences. Regardless of party, if there isn't some fiscal discipline demonstrated in their legislation or their voting record, they should go in 2010.
See you in Lafayette Park on the 15th.
I didn't vote for the so called ‘Change". At this rate, that is all I have left.
I will be a the tea party in DC and can't wait to raise my voice and make it heard - loud and clear. They don't want to hear us, but do you think the government will hear us? It is time we do something to help this country from the new presidents mistakes that are putting this country into the crapper faster than you can blink an eye. When (or should I say if?) he realizes he screwed up, will that too be Bush's fault or do you think he can truely take accountability? I want to take our country back!!!! I feel bad for those who have young children now and for when they are older, what will this country be if we keep making these mistakes? Will my retirement still be available in 20 years? If we are in a ‘crisis' then why isn't he making compramises like everyone else? If our unemployment is so high, then why is he wanting to leglaize imagration without fixing our borders? Did he really think billing the injured military was a good idea? Why not invest in foundation of our country - small businesses - and not all the PORK. Can we fire our president for his poor leadership????
We will be attending the tea party in Annapolis MD. I cannot wait. I am fed up with the incompetence of the federal government. I am fed up with taxes!!! We need to overhaul the tax code. We need to be loud and clear!!! Anyone bringing biscuits?
It is my intent now on Spring Break from teaching to attend the Tea party. I
teach economics in accordance with the Virginia State Competencies. However,
the competencies are now wrong regarding the role of government and the fact
we are a capitalistic society????? State institutions frown on people going against this President (they did not seem to mind when Bush was bashed without cause) but I am coming anyway.
Hi Jimmy Bowands, Thanks for your tea party in Dallas. I'm proposing a get together in DC on July 4th. All citizens who believe in the founding promises of this country shall be invited to line the stepts of the Capitol and read a portion of the Dec leration of Independence, the Constitution etc. What do you think? Marilyn
I live in VA and work in DC and I WILL be there to make my stand against socialism! My husband and I will there there on the 4th of July as well!
God Bless America!
Janis Joplin will be there in spirit!
My sign will read: Congress Please Save America…..Impeach Obama NOW!
The other side will read: You should bow to the American people not to a Saudi King!
See you on the 15th in DC!!
Janis Joplin indeed! Does anyone get the irony that the conservative and/or principled people who love our country are now protesting against the Feds for spending abuses/over-taxation and 30 years ago the ‘flower children' (liberals-possibly some of us or older siblings or moms and dads) were protesting against the Feds for the Vietnam War, anti-establishment, civil rights, feminism and so on. It is really very interesting!
kathy, mike, and rob, I hope that you do the right thing and vote your representatives out of office and vote for the constitution party in 2010 and 2012. I hope you have had enough with the two major parties and tell your other friends to think outside the box and HAVE A THIRD PARTY REVOLUTION ALL ACROSS THIS GREAT COUNTRY. With your help and others, the two major parties are history. We can finally do away with "they are not going to win, I am going to waste my vote" and vote for libertarians, constitution party, or other right of center congressman and senators.
Can be burn our soon to be useless dollars at that event?
I just want to know: Why have our elected officials chosen NOT to take a 15 or 20% paycut like the rest of our nation is being forced into them? They just got a $1400. raise in March. I really do not get that.
I didn't hear of any restrictions of signs as far as size or poles, though I do know you can't bring signs on poles on the Metro. Please remember that we want to make a statment about taxes and responsibility, and that protest signs that are not in line with theme of the event will asked to be removed at the demonstration. Such signs include but not limited to: campaigning, racially inappropriate slogans, anything that suggests violence or unlawful activity, and/or partisan slogans.
about sending teabags to congress….they will not be delivered…security. just tear the tea bag off and send the string tag. they will get the message.
[...] promise to personally check every person in the crowd on Wednesday's DC Tax Day Tea Party to find out if they work for Fox News, except that there's no way that I'd get to even [...]
[...] promise to personally check every person in the crowd on Wednesday's DC Tax Day Tea Party to find out if they work for Fox News, except that there's no way that I'd get to even [...]
[...] [...]
Declaration of Common Sense
We the people of the United States hereby ordain that the Government has overstepped its boundaries. Thomas Jefferson once wrote, “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” We are here to proclaim that we shall remain silent no longer! Due to the Government’s long train of abuses of the people’s rights and trust, it becomes the people’s right, it becomes the people’s duty, to throw off such Government and provide new guards for their future security. What follows is a list of demands to the United States Government from the people of the United States:
I: We demand that all Government officials fully read and understand all legislation before having the opportunity to vote on it. Our elected officials passed the largest spending bill in history without even reading it, and then had the nerve to act outraged when AIG officials received bonuses that were approved in the bill. Such incompetence shall never again be allowed in America.
II: We demand that legislation shall be posted for Americans to see before it is voted on. No longer shall the United States Government be allowed to keep its people in the dark.
III: We demand that the United States Government make no more bail outs of private industries. No business is too big to fail. Mismanaged or badly regulated companies need to fail so that good, competent companies can flourish.
IV: We demand that the United States Government relinquish all right to take over private businesses. The Government cannot and will not take control of private companies. If a company is going to fail, it will be allowed to fail.
V: We demand that the United States Government enforce all laws. Leaders in sanctuary cities and anyone who blatantly refuses to enforce the law shall be removed from office and tried in a federal court for treason.
VI: We demand that the United States Government enforce our border. We will not stand for people raiding our country by coming over our borders illegally.
VII: We demand that not one cent of tax payer money be given to illegal immigrants for any reason. Law breakers shall not be rewarded. Our money goes to our legal citizens.
VIII: We demand that English become the official language of the United States. We need to teach our legal immigrants how to speak English so that they can become successful in America.
IX: We demand that our money no longer be given to countries to perform overseas abortion. If another country wants abortion, they can fund it themselves.
X: We demand that all Americans have the right to a private ballot. The American people will not be bullied into voting any way that our hearts do not desire.
XI: We demand that the United States Government fully supports and embraces Capitalism. Socialism is not, and never will be, allowed in our country.
XII: We demand that the United States Government simplify the tax code. We refuse to allow a more than 7,500 page tax code that forces the American people to have to pay someone else just to understand.
XIII: We demand that the United States Government obey all legal contracts. Congress shall no longer release the names of private citizens who sign these contracts. The IRS is not a weapon, and we say no to these bullying tactics.
XIV: We demand that the dollar remain America’s currency. We refuse any attempt for a global currency in the United States.
XV: We demand that Congress revoke the right to vote for its own raises. If Congress thinks that they deserve a raise, then they must ask for it from their bosses, the American people.
XVI: We demand that Congress pay into Social Security and find their own retirement plan. We will no longer pay for the retirement of representatives who no longer represent.
XVII: We demand that Congress pay for their own private health care. We pay them enough; they can afford their own health care.
XVIII: We demand that Congress be limited to 18 years in one office. People entrusted with power for too long eventually pervert it into tyranny. We want experience, but serving for life is unacceptable.
XIX: We demand that the Government leave our health care system alone until it has proven itself competent of handling such a task. Balance the budgets of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and then the people can decide if Congress is finally competent to handle universal health care.
XX: We demand that Congress obey our first and second amendments. Any Government official pushing censorship or forcing heavy regulations on our right to bear arms shall be removed from office.
XXI: We demand that the United States Government immediately stop all new spending until our debt gets under control. We will not dump any more debt on our children and grandchildren.
XXII: We demand that the United States Government submit to a flat or fair tax. All men are created equal under god, and therefore all men shall be taxed equally. No single economic class, poor, middle, or wealthy, shall bear the lion’s share of the tax obligation.
XXIII: We demand that all votes be counted. Mail in ballots hold as much weight as walk in ballots. Our troops over seas have a right to vote any way that they choose, and their votes must be counted.
XXIV: We demand that anyone caught voting illegally or purposely registering voters illegally be prosecuted. We will not stand for voter fraud.
My wife of almost 50 years and I will be coming from Florida to attend our first ever protest. I spent my youth protecting and defending the freedoms that made this country strong and prosperous. It makes me angry to now see it hell bent on eliminating those freedoms by rewarding failure by stealing from the successful. Government promises of security are only as good as the HOT AIR behind them - not to be trusted.
Our President is a wonderful orator. Very different from stumblin' bush?
We might be carpooling from New England right on through. We'd be happy to pick you up, if that is that case. We have to concentrate not be divided. Divide and conquer people. MAKE THE EXTRA EFFORT. MEDIA BLITZ or NOT. They will try to portray this as strictly a conservative thing, but IT IS NOT. There is a global "awaking", Trans-nationalists must not be allowed to thrive. Do what we must.
Call me at 413 668 5917 if you need a ride.
I hope to also be reporting this event as a citizen with my FELLOW citizens, because for some odd reason, I don't believe this will get proper corporate media coverage.
What did Bush and Obama talk about at their secret meeting before Obama took office? These individuals are not in charge. However, they all follow a similar agenda in the end.
This global awakening is not what the Trans-nationalists want spread into popular culture. They will do anything to discredit, insult, and defame us all. No matter what the truth is, there plans must not be compromised.
Lafayette Park IS in front of the White House. Also, there is more room in the park than on the sidewalk where the USSS will ask you to move to not block the way for those not demonstrating.
I will be there and easy to spot too…..
I read that you are of the 101st Airborne.
As a direct decendent of Brigadeer General Anthony Clement McAuliffe., 101st AIRBORNE, of the Battle of the Bulge, (known for saying" NUTS"to the Germans and saving American, as well as German lives.) I say a BiG THANKS for coming .
I will be there as well–even though other relatives with my name will not.
.It is a PROUD name , a FIGHTING name .
Our Nation needs us ! Here's to TEA TIME!!
Dorothy McAuliffe
In case anyone needs to figure out what Metro rail stops would be best, it appears that Farragut West (closer to Lafayette Park) or Federal Triangle (closest to Treasury bldg) are the best…just walk about a block or two from the stations to the sites. Here's the site: https://www.wmata.com/index.cfm
I am so proud to read these comments. The country has not all gone Obama crazy after all. We need to make the point that people should not be punished when they achieve! Why should our children grow up and be doctors and lawyers when the tax laws punish them? Why should they run companies and start businesses when their take home pay will be that of a DC garbage man? We need to reward education, effort, and the American will to achieve!
Bring back capitalism! Bring back free market values! Bring back America!!!!
Tks to all of you. We are in Leesburg near DC and hope to be there. Also, just opened a new Tax Tea Party Petition against higher taxes. Its on a website, https://www.gababit.com and there is a link on the home page.
Good luck everyone.
There is a voice being heard across America. It is clear and it is resolute and it is growing. You hear it when you gather with your family. You hear it when you talk to your friends and neighbors. You hear it at church, at school, and at the town hall.
Let your voice be heard. Transform your frustration, your anger, and your fury into action. Organize friends, family and neighbors. Demand fiscal responsibility. Let the roar of a million voices ring through the halls of Congress and across America.
And by the way, forget the tea bags. Bring a megaphone and let your voices be heard.
Hear the roar! Feel the heat! Send big spenders home in defeat!
See you in D.C.
[...] going to go on Wednesday, Tax-Day, to stand in the rain to attend the Tea Party being organized at Lafayette Park, across from the White [...]
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
Sam Adams wrote that over 200 years ago. Long live the Republic!
I took the week off and I am here for the Tea Party! I hope we fill the park and our voices heard. Long live the Republic!
Anyone interested in a slogan idea that could get legs?
Slogan says — CONGRESS: Pack your bags….YOU'RE GOING HOME!
Bring a bag / empty suitcase w/ a name tag for different members of Congress. Example — a pink suitcase with a nametag labeled "Princess Pelosi — ONE-WAY to SAN FRANCISCO!" or "NEXT STOP: SAN FRANCISCO" etc. Same for Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, etc. You could also create giant ONE-WAY airline tickets for members…
There are five of us coming from New Jersey and we are mad as hell. We are leaving this morning and we have our signs ready. We made them last night.
We are ready to take our country back! The crazy spending in Washington has got to go…..
Here is the list of confirmed speakers who will be talking to us from the Main stage in front of the Treasury Building-
Princella Smith, Spokesperson, American Solutions
Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform
Tobin Smith, Contributor, Fox News
Brian Johnson, Federal Affairs Manager, Americans for Tax Reform
Alan Keyes, Activist
Mike Church, Mike Church Show, Sirius Radio
Rachel Hoff, Young Republicans
Tom Schatz, President, Citizens Against Government Waste
Josh Bolin, President, reagan.org
Mario H. Lopez, President, Hispanic Leadership Fund
Kerri Houston Toloczko, Senior Vice President, Institute for Liberty
Ed Hudgins, Director of Advocacy, Objectivist Center
Pat Coyle, Vice President, Young America's Foundation
There are at least two parties I know of. One in Lafayette Park, just across the street from the White House and one smaller one in front of the White House if anyone is interested.
Obama "a wonderful orator". He rarely completes a sentence without an "AH"! His speeches would fail Public Speaking 101 in college. See you in Washington
I find it fascinating and unbelievable that there have been posts on this page that say that tea-party goers must limit what they write on signs they bring…. Did the wackos who protested Bush ever, ever limited there hate and vile and anger? I DO NOT want us to descend to that level, but if someone wants to bring a partisan sign (after all we are protesting the policies of one political party) then why, in heaven, can't they? These continued bail-outs are the policies on the Dems on the Hill and in the White House.
[...] Be Indicted The Practice Of Law Is Under Indictment — Where Is The ABA? Trenton Tax Day Tea Party Washington DC Tax Day Tea Party Update on the Vatican [...]
P.R., I'm as disgusted with Obama as the next sane adult. But sadly we have to admit that it was GW Bush who started this snowball rolling with his $700 Billion bailout package; and we also have to admit that John McCain was at about the same point on that fiscal continuum….. so we fiscal conservatives have some work to do to get some intelligent, responsible leaders in place that people can vote for.
Fortunately, as one commentator pointed out recently, the up-and-coming crop of conservative leaders is the generation that was enlightened and inspired in their youth by the leadership of Ronald Reagan. Bobby Jindal and others are in the process of giving a new face and new hope to fiscally conservative Americans, and God bless them.
[...] Be Indicted The Practice Of Law Is Under Indictment — Where Is The ABA? Trenton Tax Day Tea Party Washington DC Tax Day Tea Party Update on the Vatican [...]
I hope one thing that will happen at the Tea Parties is the singing of "My Country Tis of Thee" and/or "God Bless America"
I am in tears because I cannot go, I have a disability. I will truly miss being there and If I were, my sign would say, "TAX CODE = WEAPON…AIMED AT MY EARNINGS."
The political/economical devastation has been a dam waiting to burst for a long while. I was out on disability for a year, and still we ended up paying an ADDITIONAL $7,000.00 over and above what we paid out of our earnings. Please know I'm there with you in spirit. Do Good!!
Hi Jay, Agreed on the Bush point and had McCain voted against the first bill, he might now be president. But since then, every Rep in the House and Senate has stood against this spending insanity, and as such we can embrace them and their efforts and point out that the Dem's are on the wrong side currently. Bush is history — lets deal with the here and now. See ya tomorrow at the Treasury Bldg!!!
Attention all participants of April 15 and other Tea Parties:
Political Correctness and Pussyfooting will NOT get the attention of either the elected officials that believe themselves to be omnipotent, the uncaring, uninvolved citizenry nor the pandering, Socialist/Communist left wing Main stream Media.
Weakness, Political Correctness and Pussyfooting will only get you SLAVERY!
When making and carrying signs, have some Caddorcks and TELL IT LIKE IT IS!
Please pass on the below along with your own suggestions to others. Thank You. .
You have it WRONG Mr. Obama,!
What is Grossly Unfair is To make the Responsible turn over their earnings to the Irresponsible.
When the People Fear the Government, there is Tyranny.
When the Government Fears the People There is Liberty.
Thomas Jefferson.
Fire all Representatives that voted for the Biggest Spending Bill in the History of Man Without Reading It!
We refuse to Join those that would Sell Out Our Country,
Our Constitution, Our Sovereignty and Our Children
All Representatives that would Vote on the Biggest Spending Bill in the History of Man Without Reading it should be Tried for Treason.
If CEO’s that fail to do their Jobs should be Fired,
Congressmen and Presidents that would Bankrupt an Entire Nation
Should be recalled and tried for Treason.
Fire the Irresponsible President and Congress that would Economically Enslave our Children & our Children’s Children.
Since when is it FAIR to take the Earnings of the Responsible and Give it to the Irresponsible?
You Voted to Economically Enslave Us without Even Reading the Bill,
We will Vote you Out !
All Representatives that Voted on the Biggest Spending Bill in the History of Man Without Reading it Must be FIRED !
All those that Voted to Economically Enslave Us
without Even Reading the Bill
should be Charged With Treason.
If Washington, New York and Calif. want Socialism Let them Have it.
We irrelevant “Fly Over States” need to Secede from the Union.
Oregon Vote to secede from a Socialist Union.
Montana Vote to secede from a Socialist Union.
Texas Vote to secede from a Socialist Union.
South Carolina Vote to secede from a Socialist Union.
Georgia Vote to secede from a Socialist Union.
Sons and Daughters of the Revolution Vote to secede from a Socialist Union.
New-Hampshire Live Free or Die, Vote to secede from a Socialist Union.
We will Not allow lying, conning, Communists to take over our Country by subterfuge.
If you want Communism, move to Washington, Calif. & NY.
Wyoming Has Oil, Gas, Food, Jobs and Freedom Loving Responsible People.
Secede from the Socialists.
Why Should the Thoughtful and Responsible
pay for the deliberately Thoughtless and Irresponsible.?
Because you claim its Fair? Then YOU pay for them.
Our Constitution Does Not Allow for Fascism, Communism, or Socialism.
Fly Over States Vote to Secede from the Irresponsible Socialist/Communists.
Socialism is Slavery.
If you want Socialism, and Fascism, You Go Ahead and Live it.
But, Count us OUT!
Secede from a Communist Union
When you Pass a Tax Bill without Reading IT, that is Taxation without Representation.
Taxation without Representation is Tyranny.
Impeach the Sell-out Tyrants!
As our American Constitution Does Not Allow for Socialism…
We will secede from your Socialist/ Communist Union.
Wyoming Representatives Vote to Secede from those that would try to Enslave Us.
Harry Reed Nancy Pelosi, Geitner, Obama, Barney Frank,
Chris Dodd, and the Socialist Surrender Monkey’s
Secede from the Communists!
We refuse to Join those that would Sell Out Our Country,
Our Constitution, Our Sovereignty and Our Children
Veterans, Soldiers, Citizens, Join in Defense of Our Constitution Impeach the Socialist/Communist Slave Masters..
Mr. Obama. We still don’t know what Values YOU were Taught,
But, In America, You Don’t take Away from those that have Played by the Rules
to Give to those that have NOT Played by the Rules.
Mr. Obama, In America,
When Someone takes from those that have Played by the Rules,
and Gives your Possessions to those that Haven’t … We call it THEFT.
If its Done by a Government, we Call it Fascism.
Impeach the Fascist, Communist Thieves.
We Arizonians shall retain our Liberty.
We will NOT become Slaves of Washington Socialist.
If he wrote in his Biography that he was attracted to Socialism,
If he spent a lifetime surrounded by Socialists & Subversives.
If his speeches are clearly Socialist, … and now …
his actions are Absolutely & Undeniably Socialist.
Only a Moron would believe that he is an American Patriot.
For those that fail to study or heed History:
Communism = Failure and Slavery.
Always, always, Choose Liberty!
The silent majority is Silent No More.
Vote to Throw Out the Communists,
Or Vote to Secede from their Economic Slavery.
Mr. Obama, Why would you be Rolling the Dice,
Betting our Entire Nations Wealth & Future on a
Colossal Debt, that throughout History,
has ALWAYS ended in DISASTER.
Would you Do it with Your Families Finances ?
Would any Intelligent Person ?????
If it Looks Like a Duck, Walks like a Duck, Quacks like a Duck
and Acts like a Duck, then, … Impeach the Socialist Ducks or Vote to
Secede from their Commy Union.
Our Government has been taken over
by a bunch of lifelong, radical Communist Subversives.
Vote to throw them out while we still Can.
We will Not Be Conned Again.
Vote out the Lying Irresponsible, Communists!
We the People Shall Take Back Our Country.
Vote to Throw Out the Communists,
I am 5 Yrs. Old and I owe China more than $80,000 thanks to a self serving, irresponsible Congress that doesn’t even bother to read the laws they’re passing.
When the People Fear the Government, there is Tyranny.
When the Government Fears the People There is Liberty.
Thomas Jefferson. 1743 -1826
Impeach the Lying Socialists that would Bankrupt Us, Our Children and Our Country.
Political Correctness and Pussyfooting will NOT get the attention of either the elected officials that believe themselves to be omnipotent, the uncaring, uninvolved citizenry nor the pandering, Socialist/Communist left wing Main stream Media.
Weakness, Political Correctness and Pussyfooting will only get you SLAVERY!
When making and carrying signs, have some Caddorcks and TELL IT LIKE IT IS!
Please pass on the below along with your own suggestions to others. Thank You.
Good luck tomorrow! If you want to hear from an emcee of the DC tea party, Tabitha Hale, catch my podcast with her from my show today at https://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/nmbr1son
Kind regards,
There is a Tea Party Fourth of July at 2 pm John Marshall Park at 4th and Constitution Ave, WDC right after the Parade around the Mall grounds.
Bart- Lafayette Square park IS across from the White House. Only on party, 2 stages, in the park and infront of the Treasury building which is also across th street.
I am outraged at having to pay the tax rate set by President Bush this year, especially since it comes with his $1.3T budget deficit legacy! President Obama is in office; we should be paying the reduced rate he is pushing for 95 percent of us right now! Bush is gone! Long live the Obama tax cuts! Let the 5 percent who make the most money pay their share! Make Paris Hilton pay an inheritance tax. Make her pay higher taxes on her capital gains. Let the hard-working little guys–you and me–pay less, just like Obama demands!
We must demand a return to budget surpluses that in the past few decades only a Democratic President has provided! The long trend of Republican budget deficits must never return! Stop passing the bill on to our kids!
We need bodies, lots and lots of you early in the morning! Why? Because we have had ONE MILLION teabags donated to us- and need to shuck'em out of the papers they come in to make an enormous pile, thats why! The media will be in the park early also to get shots of the teabags and the people piling them up, so PLEASE head in early and help us make the biggest pile of tea in history!
what is the Twitter tag for this event ???
I agree with you, but Maryland elected Dismalcrats anyway & tossed out Ehrlich and Steele, the only decent Gov & Lt Gov Maryland has had in many years, if not ever. We need new people who will change all the automatic raises and benefits these guys give themselves.
There are a lot of us who live in Maryland & are within blocks of DC & far from Annapolis and Baltimore. Hope to see a big turout tomorrow. (any chance Grta might not make it & Fox will send a Conservative? ;P
At all of the March for Life marches, you can have any size sign & it may be on a stick. The only restriction is that you can't take it inside any building, like say if you go into the Smithonian to use the bathroom. You have to lay it down in a pile or with somebody you came with. We never had any trouble with anyone stealing our signs, and at the end of the day, there are usually a lot of really cool signs left around to take home, if you want to. (I like riding on the metro with a big sign! Especially if there are libs on the train!) ;P
You are welcome to bring signs on the Metro. The only restriction is that you can't take them into buildings if you get lunch or use the Bathrooms.
Allen Howe-I don't quite think you get it buddy. Put down the kool-aid. Enough with the propaganda.
Because Lfayette Park is in front of the White HOuse
Farragut West or McPherson Square for both Lafayette and Treasury. Federal Triangle way past Treasury
Duh…Lafayette Park is directly across from the White House. It's the closest you can get without security pre-vetting.
Who is John Galt?
Are they living up to their Oath?
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
John Galt was the protagonist of the novel Atlas Shrugged.
I don't know, Jenny Blue. If you pay as much attention to the issues as you pay to the spelling of my name, you may be the one confused. Good luck out there. I am all for protests. But my real aim is to increase the number of educated, informed voters. The crew organizing these parties has something else in mind.
You, sir have been brainwashed. Educated & informed voters are the ones who realize that small government is the only answer to the problems this country faces. Educated & informed voters are those who don't want a far-away government dictating our every move and thought.
Obama can only offer enslavement. The two-party system only aids in it's implementation.
OK, Alan. Educate us. Which branch of the government controls the purse strings? Taxes? Spending?
BTW, if the top 5% pay 60% of the government's bill and the bottom 50% pay only 3%, how would you propose to even this out to make it FAIR?
To Alan, Jenny and all the rest: this is not a left or right issue. This is an American issue. Both sides are to blame. The Republicans lost their way a long time ago and the Democrats are doing what they do: Tax and spend. Our elected officials have stopped listening to the people. This tea party and others like it are a way to let our voices be heard! If they don't listen to us now then the next time they will hear us is on election day and I don't think they are going to like what we have to say.
To Moonbat,
You are showing your true colors …….and they are not Red, White, and Blue. This not about Right and Left, or Black and White you moron….it is about Right and Wrong. Read the Constitution of the United States…….the part about the “authority of the federal government shall not exceed that of any individual state. Ignorance is no excuse for Socialism.
Get a life you liberal socialist troll.
Bluesriff - Fairbanks, Alaska
What a great day. Hundreds of parties held all across our great country with tens of thousands attending.
Whats next? I believe we need a large central rally, and there is no better place than right here in DC. We need to unite all of the parties together and march 50,000 strong down Pennsylvania Avenue to send a message to our president and congress.
I really wish I could have went to show support, but somebody's gotta go to work to pay for food stamps and housing. Maybe that was harsh, but on top of the fact that they steal way too much of our money to pay for things that only people that agree with those things should hgave to pay into, they're putting us and all of our kids into even more massive debt. Why, just because they can. And people don't even care what's going on!! Everytime I talk to people about whats going on they all say "I've got other things to worry about". Really?!?!? So, when the actions of the idiots in washington start to have have consequences that start to hit really close to home those same people are going to be asking "how could this have happened?" And I'll be right there to drop a news paper and a history bok at thir feet, and tell them to WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!!
Thank you so much for a great Tea Party today! Could not hear Grover Norquist because 3,000 people showed up! Laura Ingraham was a highlight. Sorry the Daily Kos people orchestrated the package over the fence (it happened when an Acord/Daily Kos demonstrator in the crowd was creating a diversion.), but it didn't dampen our spirits. This is only the beginning. Again, thanks.
Tea Parties:
I think we can agree that Dick Armey did NOT aggressively pursue this path during the Bush administration. He is, after all, a former Republican Congressman. His position and affiliation does not appear to have changed, only the White House inhabitant. I fully accept that this is not a right versus left or Republican versus Democratic issue for many or even most of you. But, as I alluded earlier, it IS that kind of issue for the people sponsoring the tea parties. That said, I was disappointed to learn of the permit issue and disappointed again to see the weather. A bit of cooperation with the latter, and you could have proceeded to the National Mall and rallied there. I'd have been there to observe, at least, if I could have gotten away.
Bush gave tax cuts to all with a time limit. They were all to expire in ten years. For 95 percent of us, those tax cuts will continue beyond that limit because the current President pushed for that outcome. The taxes for the wealthiest 5 percent will return to the levels at the beginning of the Bush administration in accordance with the bill George Bush signed into law. Today, Barack Obama vowed to simplify the tax code. That said, I like our roads and the Defense Department I served with. We have to pay for these things. While smaller government sounds great, no President from either party has provided us that. At some point, we are going to have to pay these bills. Not so long ago, we were fairly happy with our economy and our tax bills and a budget surplus that allowed us to pay down our debt. That must happen again even if we can't be quite so happy this time. I just learned that President Obama earned nearly four times as much as I did. He paid in taxes nearly twelve times as much as I did. After all his tax payments and charitable contributions, he had over $1.5 million to house, clothe, and feed his family. I had much less but enough to do the same. So, the answer to the question from Mirvin is tax rates are fair when we can all at least care for ourselves after our taxes are paid. Who feels sorry for Barack Obama that after earning nearly $2.7 million, he has only (only!) $1.5 million for himself? Not I. This is the reason Theodore Roosevelt insisted on a progressive tax. Fair is having food on the table when you are done. Finally, there are countries in places like Africa that do not collect or do not effectively collect tax revenue. As a result, these countries have very poor infrastructure, very poor health care systems, and very poor education systems. We are generations ahead of countries like that because we tax and spend. If you were outside the White House today, you stood in a park or on a side walk or street paid for by taxes. You were surrounded by impressive buildings paid for with tax dollars. You were protected (and unfortunately chased away) by police officers. Tax dollars again. Across the river lies the Pentagon and Arlington National Cemetery–tax dollars at work. We are in a very sweet spot. We pay far less than some countries' citizens, and we have more (in most areas) to show for it. I hate waste. I want good, effective governance. But, I can't walk around D.C. or look at my uniform and think taxes serve no purpose. Better, I feel, to attack the specific programs and actions that waste our money. Better, I think, to demand that we have a balanced budget to stop paying more and more interest on our public debt.
In normal times, our government (it is ours, of course) should not own private enterprises. However, we are not in normal times. So, George Bush took control of a number of companies (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, etc.), forced others to agree to their acquisition by other companies (Bear Sterns, Merrill Lynch, etc.), and gave huge amounts of taxpayer money to Wall Street firms and automakers. Barack Obama has continued to manage this process. However, I do not believe he has repeated Bush's actions by taking control of more companies. Rather, he is managing those companies Bush interacted with. The socialism trend seems to have slowed dramatically with the inauguration of the new President. Perhaps someone can identify a company that Obama has acquired or "bailed out" that Bush did not touch, but I can think of none.
Went to the DC rally today. It seemed like a few thousand people between 11:30 and 12:00. I could only stay for a half hour, due to work.
My favorite sign was Congress: We're not your ATM!
For a third party to catch on, they are going to have to return power to the people.
For example, have our deficit decided by popular vote. And have spending v tax cuts decided by popular vote.
It would also help if these comments weren't moderated before they post. That REALLY slows things down.
Great job tea partiers ! Does anyone — who is ligit ( not the Kos kooks) have videos to share? Where to find them?
We were there with our 6 kids - it was wet and miserable, but so uplifting. People were very kind and smiles were on soggy wet faces. I want to say a special thank you to the nameless man who emerged from the crowd, handed me a rain poncho and faded away! What a great, loving country we live in.
Thank you for coordinating this, JoAnn. How was the cleanup? Were we good kids?
I'm a GS15, and I can't afford a place in Clarendon (and I have no debt). In fact, I commute a very long distance b/c it's so expensive in NOVA. Why should someone who hasn't worked as hard and long as I have and makes substantially less than I do be entitled to much better treatment than me? The City of Arlington sucks!!!!!!
If a short report and photos or a video about your event are not mentioned here or here or here, and you have a report or photos, send ‘em on in because I have another dozen reports in hand and I'm going to do another round-up later today.
Either leave a note in the comments or send me an email: roxannekramer@gmail.com
Information at:
Here are a couple of favorable commentaries on the Tea Parties:
Let The Revolution Begin
Tax Day Battle of 2009
Well folks, the Tax Day Tea Party on April 15th has come and gone- and in spite of pouring rain and a few snafus it was a BRILLIANT success, for which I want to thank all 3,500 (or more) of you who attended!
As the main organizer for the event in Lafayette Square, I know that there is no way that anything would have happened without the support of many wonderful people, so bear with me as I personally thank some of those who stood out.
~My husband Scott, who calmed me down when things occasionally would drive me nuts beforehand and kept me focused on task, and who was there with me from 6:30 am to 6 pm setting up and taking down all the stage equipment. He also worked security the rest of the day.
~Kevin Murphy from Calvert Jones (www.calvertjones.com) and his assistant Delmar Johnson, our sound crew who donated the use of all the sound equipment and were also the first on site and the last to leave, doing all the heavy lifting and clean up. You guys are the BEST!
~Frank Smallwood from Tri-county Printing who searched and found our stage rental company; and introduced me to Reggie the owner of Oxon Hill Rentals, from Fort Washington, Maryland (301-248-4300). Reggie rented us the stage at a nice discount, loaded my truck and unloaded it for me at his business place and is a great guy to work with!
~The Freedom Quartet who did such a beautiful job of singing for us.
~The VFW honor guard group who did the flag presentation
~Mary Kipp, the 12 year old who led us in the pledge; also to the gentleman who donated a beautiful American flag pattern coat and hat, I decided to give them to Mary as the best choice for your gift- thank you!
~All our wonderful grassroots speakers, all the regular folks who spoke before and after the national speakers- pls send me a note I want to keep in touch!
~Mike Church from the Mike Church show, Alan Keyes, Ned Ryun from American Majority and Gregg Knapp who came aboard early and who spoke to us, as well as all the other national speakers.
~Andrew Kramer, President of the Institute for Liberty, my co-host on stage at the start and finish of things and amazingly inspirational speaker who was also part of the original planning group for the Tea Party and a major morale support for me.
~ everyone who contributed to the suggestion bucket- you helped me cover the majority of my expenses, which is a major load from my mind!
I know I am missing a lot of others who helped on Wednesday or in the time leading up to it-forgive me and know how much you all contributed to making the day a success. Now I am off to learn how to act effectively in firing certain members of the House and Senate- hope to see you all again at future Tea Parties and events!
Attention, all who live in and around DC. The Tea Parties were great, however we have a more pressing problem. As the President continues to undermine all efforts too keep us safe, We The People must stand up! My thought is a demonstration across from the White House Memorial Day weekend and then
going to Arlington National Cementry too pay our respects. What do you think? I live in Mass but would be there.
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