Fresh Tea Daily

A daily cup of tea for the Tea Party Revolution…

Tax Day Tea Party

How to get help from existing organizations

There are fiscally conservative political groups in nearly every state. If you can find and connect with the group in your state, you might be able to get some help:

  • If the group has a sizeable e-mail distribution list, they might be willing to send e-blasts to that list telling them about your event.
  • If you want to start a Tea Party for April 15, but have never organized anything like this before, the group might be able to give you some leads to help you find experienced organizers in your state who can work alongside you to have the best possible event on April 15.
  • If the group has a website, they might be willing to post a link on their website to your Facebook group or to a main Tea Party organizing website, such as this one.

Bear in mind that from the time of the first protest in Seattle on February 16, nearly all of the energy and momentum for these events came from online activists who are not part of an established network.  You are able to work faster and get more done in a very short amount of time because you are fluent (or are becoming fluent) in how to organize and get the word out online.

People who think like you do, but who do not have your level of comfort online, may not even fully grasp that these events are happening.  The established organizations might need you to help you orient them to what is going on, and to tell them ways they can help.

Try doing a Google search for the name of your state + “taxpayer group” and see what you come up with.

I just did that for some randomly chosen states and here’s what I found:

Florida Taxpayers Union.

New Jersey Taxpayers Association.

Taxpayers League of Minnesota.

See what you can find.  There might be groups out there that can really give your April 15 event a boost.


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  1. Fresh Tea Daily » More information on being a state coordinator — March 8, 2009 @ 6:11 pm

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