by Eric Odom
Smart Girl Politics (SGP), Dontgo Movement, and Top Conservatives on Twitter (TCOT) have agreed to cooperatively gather information from attendees of the joint gathering events otherwise known as Tea Parties. The policies and procedures which follow will apply to only those lists that are collected during events involving all three grassroots organizations.
All three organizations will maintain a database of names and addresses of those persons who have voluntarily offered their personal information during any joint activities. From time to time these lists will be used by one or more of these organizations to mail information to persons on the list or to seek financial support from them. To assure ethical use of these mailing lists, Smart Girl Politics, Dontgo Movement, and Top Conservatives on Twitter have adopted the following policies:
1) The Tea Party mailing list will be made available only on exchange. The list will not be available for rental or sale. The Tea Party list will only be exchanged with the three organizations designated above.. The Tea Party mailing list will not be traded with candidates for public office, committees or organizations supporting a candidate, political parties, committees or organizations that solicit funds for use in political campaigns for any purpose whatsoever, or organizations that spend a substantial amount of their time and revenue lobbying. The list will not be exchanged with organizations whose purpose or reputation would damage the goodwill and trust between SGP, Dontgo Movement, TCOT and its subscribers/donors. The list will absolutely not be exchanged, rented or sold for telemarketing use.
2) SGP, Dontgo, and TCOT will periodically inform members of about how they can prevent their name from being exchanged, offer a means by which their names may be suppressed upon request and suppress names as requested.
3) SGP, Dontgo, and TCOT will use the mailing list for the sole purpose of informing people of organizational events, soliciting donations for the three designated organizations only, and for updates and informational purposes only.
4) In the case of official co-sponsored events between SGP, Dontgo, and TCOT and a commercial entity in which one of the groups is the beneficiary, SGP, Dontgo and TCOT will allow use of its list on a one-time use, in-house basis only. In that case, each individual organization also reserves the right and is responsible for reviewing and approving the mailpiece prior to its mailing. Once approved, changes cannot be made to the mailpiece without seeking the organizations approval.
5) SGP, Dontgo, and TCOT will maintain complete and accurate records of all uses of membership and donor lists for fundraising purposes.
6) Should one of the organizations listed violate the agreed upon conditions of the mailing list, the remaining organizations have the right to limit or refuse access to the information in the future.